The Final Day

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Normal Speech "Saiki"
Thoughts/Saiki speaking Telepathically "Saiki"

Let me ask you a question? If I were to tell you that there was a person in the world that could destroy it with one thought, You'd probably be terrified, right? Well that is why Kusuo Saiki did not want to be found out but life is full of surprise's.

Saiki just started walking to school in the closest thing he could get to quiet, but god hates saiki so his so called "friends" Nendo and Kaido showed up.

Saiki was more than surprised by the lack of talking that the two idiots were making. Of course saiki didn't mind it was a break from there insanity but Nendo being nendo always doing the opposite of what saiki wants, "So did you guys here about that space rock that was going to crash on Earth today." He said with a idiotic look in his eyes, and then kaido looked at nendo like he was stupider than usual, which was surprising to say the least.

"No you idiot it isn't going to crash into the Earth it was just going to orbit around for a week." Kaido said with his face still irritated from the lack of knowledge that Nendo doesn't have.

After awhile Saiki just started to drown them out not caring what they were talking about. So saiki decided to start walking faster and left them behind and with a heavy sigh he thought to himself, "Why do I even get out of bed"

Once the physic got to his seat he realized that it was unusually quiet, not just in the class but also in there thoughts. He looked around confused and started to get suspicious but then his worst enemy appeared full of thoughts and not good ones, No other than Kokomi Teruhashi. And she was full of thoughts.

"I wonder what saiki is thinking about? Is it me! No I don't think so he looks upset. Oh, I know all say goodmorning." That was most of Teruhashi's thoughts, but at the moment saiki was thinking about what happened to everyone's thoughts, he'd have to investigate this when he gets home.

"Goodmorning saiki how are you today" Teruhashi was mentally cheering for herself for being so smooth. Saiki on the other hand fell out of his seat in surprise

"Why didn't I sense her" he thought very confused "great now her likability is going to go up. Wait a second what is her likability of me" Saiki thought looking appove her head to see nothing "where is it" He was now very confused and needed to get out of here to figure this out. A task Teruhashi wasn't going to make easy.

"Oh, saiki are you ok? Here let me help you up" She said while offering her hand. "Yes wait to go Kokomi, he'll be so happy I offered to help although it's strange how no one looks like they want to murder him" that last part striked Saiki's curiosity, what was going on today.

Saiki took Teruhashi's hand a stood up but then he notice that when he fell his gloves ripped, "crap" he was curious to know what it would be like to have all of Teruhashi's senses but he wasn't curious enough to want to try but oddly enough nothing happened, "ok now something is definitely up with my power's"

Saiki then decided to figure this out as fast as possible, so he got up and started walking to the door not caring that class is about to start. "I wonder where Saiki's going. Class is about to start" she thought to herself, which he heard

Teruhashi grabbed onto his sleeve, "where are you going, class is about to start" she looked away shyly realizing that she was holding onto him

"I don't feel well, I'm going to the nurses office" Saiki decided to use his actual voices thinking that if his powers weren't working why would his telepathy work

(Saiki x Teruhashi) When The World Falls ApartWhere stories live. Discover now