Discovery of Peace : Part 1st

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The thoughts and opinions expressed in this book are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of its affiliates. It is just an imagination, do not hurt anyone's religion, country and culture etc.
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To the reader
My Professors
My family

Chapter 01 - Kidnap
Chapter 02-Blood education
Chapter 03-All is fair in war
Chapter 04-Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 05-Attack on base
Chapter 06-Love in hospital
Chapter 07-Murder
Chapter 08- Suicide
Chapter 09-Acceptation
Chapter 10-Fight of emotions
Chapter 11- Let it go as going
Chapter 12-Date
Chapter 13-Return
Chapter 14-Robbery
Chapter 15-Wake up
Chapter 16-Death well
Chapter 17-Burning of Hell
Chapter 18-Mercy


The blood was oozing from my wounds, around thousands of Soldiers were died and thousands were injured and crying of pain. I was also feeling same as they were, wanted to fall on hot sand and cry to reduce my pain I was in pain and whole body was tired and wounded, now my legs were not enough capable to walk ahead. I was about to fall at every next step.
It was bright day, sun was on its complete brightness but now dark smoke covered the sky and did not let come the sun light on the land. Whole area was heating like hell, flames of fire burning everything which were coming its area, Smoke from firing refineries was rising in the sky and turned dark, like a night of disaster and made sky, a monster.
Down on the land, people were fighting for breath. Fire was raining from sky.
I left a person alive, who kept me in dark for almost 10 years and made me animal, a human killer.
That time, I thought for a moment, I was dreaming or dead. I fall on hot, heating sand and turned dark.
So I tell you the story, how it began,

Chapter 01

Chapter 01
We lived in village, just 6 KM far from a city of Iraq. My father was teacher of Science in Village School. It was a desert and full of powdered like soil and concrete, rocks. Day started with a cool breeze, as the time passed it turned into killing hot air and came along with sand.
We were four members in family, my parent, I and A little fairy of just 1 year old. I went to school after father left, with my friends while practicing who could throw the stone more far. It was of our everyday.
Life was going awesome and we were happy. I played with my sister, and in evening with my friends in a field, between two mountains.
As we used to play, we met and started playing we kept our shoes at a place as a pile and others tried to snatch the shoes and one of boy became the guard to stop them. When someone try to take shoe from pile, the boy as guard slap him hard, so in this play, few boy distracted him and other as got the chance, took the shoe and kept for last. while saving himself from guard's slaps, and when all the shoes he had finished then it was turn of other boys to beat him by shoes. He ran and we followed him till he hided himself somewhere.
As the everyday we were playing at same place. Our voice of laughing was striking in the mountains till a black jeep came and stopped there.
we saw and stopped playing I looked at my friends they also looked at me and then looked at those people. The people in the Jeep were new and we had not seen them there before.
The Jeep moved towards us slowly, they stepped down from Jeep. They were four men, tall with muscular body and their body was wrapped in a shawl.
One of them with a long beard stepped down and came to us. He was smiling. We were unknown from that danger which was going to happen.
Other one in them, he had something, I noticed when he stepped down from his Jeep. Something hanged on his shoulder. He adjusted that and when stepped down. He has shoes of large soul compared to normal person. He had no mustache and short beard. Two of others, jumped from jeep and normally walked. I thought, gathered us.
The first asked very gently "which place is it ? "
I felt normal and was about to speak, but they rushed on us and caught four of us and those left, they ran away. They were screaming. As they caught us I felt like they pulled out my soul, I fall in his hands then did not know what was happened next.
when I woke up I found myself in a big whole full of bed on the floor and I was put on white long shirt and white pent. I looked around me there was no one, but the voice was coming from outside I looked at the window and walked slowly to window and peeped outside of the window all around. I saw more then five hundreds boys were there.
Some of them were playing, some of watching them those were playing and some were quiet and thoughtfully sat. Once again, I tried to remind, where I was but I did not know what place it was, now I touched my long shirt and tried to remember what was happened and some memories became clear, was I kidnapped I looked at wall of the hall, tried to figure out where I was and why there. My heart was beating as passing every moment, my breathing was being heavier.
I looked all the side of the hall, roof, window, door, cupboards and more than hundreds of beds on floor. I was scared and deeply scared. Some unexpected pictures were irritating me. I walked back and my back stroke the wall. I sat in a corner of the hall, started weeping, I wept till my tears stopped rolling out and dried on my chicks.
As everything is over. Time passed and hundreds of boys entered into hall. They looked at me like I was an Alien. I was also looking at them like that.
One of good looking boy walked to me, i looked into his eyes he was looking happy, but why he was happy. I was thinking while seeing him.
He spoke " hey bro, what's your name? I am Haruk. "
I was completely fixed into the corner, first I stood and looked at him. His eyes were shinning.
" I am Abrar. " I spoke and looked at those, they were staring at me. .
Almost one week was passed. We were in a field which was gathered by high fences by all the directions.
One day, four soldiers entered with car, at the time I was out of hall, standing and making the plane to rush away from there. I looked at them. But there was no door. Usually people came inside from a room and disappeared when got into the room. Room had a large door, even a big truck can came inside. I always wanted to go into the room but the caretaker for all the children during day kept eye on every boy and if anyone by mistake reached close to the door, they scolded him or sometime lock him in the pit too.
This pit was a deep pit which was covered by a heavy iron metal net. They put the boy into the hall and lid up the hall by heavy net for a day under Sun, under the sun which burned the skin.
They came inside and a person stepped down and looked at boys as examining. One of person walked inside after them. He was tall and muscular and he had mix black and white beard. He smiled and looked in all the directions as trying to find something. There were, some of boys were sat and some of were playing. I was just seeing those people. The person, who had mixed beard man was talking something with other four, they were speaking while pointing their fingers towards the boys, playing. He saw them and while talking to them. they took a round and went back.
Now I had a chance, I checked them. Every boys was busy in playing and some of them were busy chatting. In Caretakers, some of were in the kitchen and two were sitting outside to keep eyes on the boy, I was seeing them, one of them stood and got into the hall and now other one was left as I felt he was busy in other side. I walked towards the door slowly. I reached at the door and peeped inside the room. No one was there. It was completely empty. I walked inside and I looked in both the sides. In front of me a door as same by which I got in, was also there. I walked to the door. I peeped out from the cracks, it was opening in another field. what I saw. There were peoples, a large numbers of people, few of standing, holding large guns in their hands and around 10 to 12 men were taking out the black boxes from a truck and taking them to the another room. But my eyes caught a sight, a gate was there, open front of me, my freedom. I wetted my throat and looked in both the sides. All were busy in their particular works like a machine.
I put my foot out from the room and came in open, rays of sun fall on me and one thought, that was in mind 'if I cross, this way of 400 meters, I will be free and rest of my life will be with my family.' I had no plane just a target to reach my home. I moved myself with wall towards the truck and as I reached close to truck. I ran and hided myself under the truck. As one of soldier came and took out the box and walked away I looked for was someone was seeing me. When I confirmed, slowly crawled towards the walls and hided myself by some bags of sands covered with a dirty sheets.
My heart was beating fast. My breath rate was high. But now I was just 10 meter far from my freedom, I looked at the gate, my freedom, flying air outside as it was calling me. But I had to cross the main gate. But the two guards on the main gate. I had to pass from there without coming in their eyes.
One of guard, I saw on the gate, he heard some thing on his phone and walked towards the another guard. He talked to him he took out cigarette from his pocket and asked for lighter. When the other guard was talking to him and he was lighting the cigarette. I slowly stood up and very slowly got out and rushed out towards unknown direction as my house was that side. I rushed continuously around one hour. My heart was beating hard and body was sweating. Throat was dry and my feet were injured. I ran on concrete and reached plateaus, blood from my feet were flowing, skin of feet were burnt. I stopped myself and fall aside, there was shadow, I was thirty without looking at my feet, I examined all the directions from where I could get water, it was hell for that, no water, and I had no enough strength to stand up and run for life. My feet were getting cool in that 42 degree centigrade. My eyes now, taking time to open, I was felling down, then dark, after some time woke up thirsty, hungry and tired, looked for the water but did not find anywhere. I sat in the shadow of the plateau. Tears were rolling on my chicks. Some one handed me the water bottle, without looking at him, I held bottle and drunk then I felt comfortable. I looked at him. When I saw his face I scared.
But he smiled and said "Very well "
I did not utter a single word, I was caught. His smiling face was looking as he was a devil. He held my hand and pulled me towards himself and took me in his lap.
He spoke to his people " He is kid, I saw him when he ran away. But I wanted to see. How long he will go. He is kid, he did and more you see when he will grow up. "
They all laughed. But I was scared. He took me back again. He gave me the food and said "You want to go back to your home. "
I waved my head in 'Yes '.
He said "We send you back to your home. But you have to get education first. Then we will send you back to your family with a lot of money. Okay. " while seeing in my eyes.
I uttered "No, I want to go back my home. Now. " my eyes were red and voice was heavy.
He smiled and took his face front of me and slapped without changing his facial impression. I fall on the carpet and blood flew from the teeth.
He screamed " get him out from my eyes."
Soldiers came inside rashly. They held me by my arms tightly.
"Take him to the training camp. " he ordered angrily.
They pulled me out and put a black cloth bag on my head and tied my hand tightly. and sprayed something on the bag. It made me sleep. I just knew they threw me in something and it started moving. Then I was asleep.
'I reached my home. It was evening, the sun had set and air was cooling now. I reached at my home. my mother saw me she ran towards me while weeping she hugged me. My sister was lying on cot and looking at me as she was waiting for me. My father ran to me and took me in his arms.
All turned black again.
I was in a large desert. Only soil was there. No living thing, no water, no grass. Sun was on my head. My body was sweating. My throat was dry. I just ran for looking for the water. I knew I was at my home. But I could not find my home. I stumbled and fall. my eyes were closed and everything turned dark once again.
I woke up. I heard the sound of water. As falling from somewhere I opened my eyes, I saw a waterfall. What a beautiful sight it was. Out of my imagination. Water was falling from a green mountain. It was green everywhere. Beautiful birds, butterflies, a sound of water falling. It was imagining. I had never seen view like this before. I looked at colorful birds, butterflies were flying here and there.
I walked to the river bank and stood on the stone at bank and looked at the waterfall and closed my eyes and jumped into river, my eyes were closed and I felt like people are around me, they were talking, Sound of machines.'
I was feeling like I was on soil. I opened my eyes. My body and clothes were wet in sweat. I was in tent and lied on the floor of sand. High voices of people and some of machinery, I was hearing from outside. I rolled myself and peeped out from the cotton of tent.
I saw, the people under Sun they were training, sky was bright and sand was shining like gold. Some of people were practising while holding Guns and their coach was telling them how to use the weapons. Some of them were fighting like enemies. Some of them were checking something in the box and some of them were having food.
Food, I looked at them. I was hungry and thirsty. My throat was dry. I came out from the tent. I looked at the people, having food, but did not care about people around me. I was hungry and I needed food. I walked to them. I went to them and stood front of him.
A person was there, a fat man. He had a long tummy and black face with large fatty head. He had the food. He looked at me and got busy in having. Box was at his left as he was Incharge.
"I need food. I am hungry. " I asked.
He looked at me and no response as he did not hear me and again carried on with his process. I raised my hand to take food. He pushed my hand aside.
"please, I need food. I am hungry. " I pleaded.
He looked at me then saw the people around him and they laughed together.
"If you can, then take it " He said and a devil smile came on his face.
Again I tried, he slapped me. I fall on land. But now it made me angry because I understood, he was not going to give me easily I had to fight for living. I took sand in my hand and stood up. He was laughing and looking at other people. He turned to me. I threw the sand in his eyes. He became uncomfortable. He rubbed his eyes, screamed and ran towards the water. I jumped on food and started having like an animals.
After 5 minutes, he returned while holding a stick in his hand. his face was dark blue, eyes were red like a wild animal. His saliva was dropping out from his mouth, for a moment he looking at me and started beating me and abusing. He kept beating me till I fall unconscious.
Next morning, I woke up, I was on the hot sand out of the tent, Sun was shining, my eyes were opening slowly, I stood up, pain in whole body but I was hungry. Because hungry does not care about the problem.
I looked at tent, where was food. I walked towards him. I stood in front. He looked at me and laughed, I bend and took sand in my hand.
"again...... you throw it in my eyes," he laughed "throw, throw. " he said while laughing, he made his eyes widely open.
I threw, all the sand in his eyes he stood up and ran towards water. I took wooden roll kept aside and hit on his head. He fall down and then I did not stop till he socked with his own blood. His body stopped moving. I threw the roll aside and took the water cane and poured on his face.
I looked at everyone. All were standing, quiet, just looking at me. I came to the food. I took out the polythene of food and started having. I looked at the boys standing there. They looked hungry.
"are you hungry? " I asked.
They looked at each other.
"Come " I said.
First, no one moved besides a boy he came to me slowly. I handed him the packet. He opened and have first bite.
"Arif, It is my name. " I looked at him. He had a weak body and thin frame of body.
I waved head. Then all of them started coming and taking their packets.
It was the first day, when I fought for the food. We were busy in having food.
A Jeep stopped. Soldiers lashed with guns stepped down looked at the guard lying on the land socked in blood.
He asked in dreadful voice "who did this? "
No one spoke. I was drinking food because I had finished my breakfast. They did not spoke but as they all were looking at me. It was enough to understand for him that who did that.
He came to me while holding gun. He stood close to me. He said while hitting on my head " have you done this? "
I stood up and threw the glass. He looked in my eyes and laughed. All three soldier with him they also joined him.
Captain said " he has sent metal. Heat it, sharp it, Shape it, "
He patted on my shoulder and they took me with them.

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