Dog park.D-26

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Walking our dog in the park means coming back to the place we stepped further into our relationship.

I want to adopt a puppy, I said.

I want to rise them with you, you said.

I wasn't expecting that.

As if we didn't share a big part of our lives with one another at that time.

As if knowing each other perfectly wasn't enough.

You wanted to share something of our own, even if it was a puppy.

We can't rise a dog together if we don't live together, I said.

Let's move together then, you said.

I wasn't expecting that.

As if moving together was no big deal.

As if we weren't in the middle of a dog park.

Not so long after, you moved to my place.

We moved together.

So we could adopt a puppy.

So we could rise them together.

Now I'm walking our dog in the same park you asked me to live together.

A couple of years ago I couldn't even imagine living happily with someone who would love me the same way I'd love them

and watching the puppy we adopted together run happily in a dog park.

I wasn't expecting that.

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