Chapter 1

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The bored Eladrin elf sighed as she waited for her dinner to appear from the kitchen and was subtlety balancing one of her nonpoisonous daggers on her fingertips when she noted a person posting a piece of paper onto a board for work offers. Giving a side glance as others began to sworm around it mumbling tidbits on what it was all about caught her interest. Looking once more back to the kitchen and not seeing anyone around she ventured over to the work board to have a look see.

The Lady Shimera was asking for people to go on a dangerous adventure to look for her son. Fifty gold each to the brave people that decided to travel that far into unknown territories. Noting the address she left a few coins on the register with a note saying she would be back soon to claim her meal then left before anyone seen her rush off.

Upon knocking on the door minutes later she was greeted by a guard who ushered her in and to sit at a table with a few other adventures like herself. All of them being told to wait at the table and the lady of the house would be with them all shortly.

A few minutes later a woman appeared dressed in the lightest of pink dresses with decor of mint green approached the table and seated her self in the main chair watching them as she did so. She gave a meaningful look to each of them as if to see the value of their worth to her before she spoke.

" I need a few brave adventurers to go in search of my son Jyrin. He was on a hunting party with a few of our best men and has been now missing for a week." she said. "You get fifty gold now for any expensies you might have and fifty later when you found him and bring him home."

"Is there anything that we can know that might help us find him better? Like birthmarks or stuff?" the neko cat said to the woman. Shimera nodded.

"He has a birthmark that covers half his face and he wears a gold dragon ring with a green gemstone in it for the eye. Bring him back alive if you can but if not get the ring as proof that you had found him. " she said.

The druid raised her hand as if to make sure it was alright to speak in which the Lady of the house gave her a curt nod. "Is ther anything about his clothing we can look out for in case we see him far off with the hunting party?" she asked which Lyra thought was very good thinking.

"Yes the leather from the hunting party carries our family crest of the colors pink and green. My son is an archer and very good with his bow." She said bragging a bit about the precision of her son and his bow. "Now if you will excuse me I have some pressing matters to attend to. I'm sure you need to go prepare for your journey. Be safe." she said and gave them a nod and smile before leaving out the same door she had entered.

Lyra got up to leave and was followed by the others as they were shown their way out in the fashion of the royalty around them. Mentally thinking of the things she would need she headed toward one of the shops and proceeded inside with a few of her fellow party members.

She required rations with the rest of them but noticed she was out of poison for her daggers or would besoon. Looking around she found the herbalist shop. The shop was filled with various bottles full of flowers and herbs alike. Choosing somethng to do for the daggers would be leaving her here all day. Being so undecisive brought the attention of the sunkissed elf behind the counter who slowly made his way to her while helping others that has come into his shop.

"anything I can help you with?" he asked his voice having a tilt that just slithered across the other elfs skin like a creepy feel. But Lyra turned to face him because she did need the help to find a good poison.

"I need to find a good strong poison to tip my daggers with." she said patting her favorite set of daggers with the pride of a newfounded good rogue. The sun kissed elf smiled at this and gestured for her to follow him into the back part of the shop as they were now the only people still inside. Lyra followed him feeling a bit leary looking at the partially dusty shelves empty of what was out in the other part.

"I can sell you an incredibly killer poison if I can get you to do something for me in return." he said his back turned to her as he reached into a small box high up on a shelf before facing her, in his hands a small vial filled with a black liquid.

Not wanting to turn down a possible good deal she stepped closer hands loosley on her daggers in case of an attack. One could never be to sure if a stranger was friend or foe these days. "Whats your price?" Lyra asked trying to figure out what the oily looking black liquid in the vial was.

He lifted it to the light of the window and let her see it was slightly see through before holding it out to her. Lyra just watched and didn't reach for it. She knew better than to just grab an item and agree to any prce. This Eladrain wasn't born yesterday.

"What is the price or deal rather?" she asked, her lavander eyes piercing into him as if to see his lies and deviant acting.

"The deal is that I give you one of my most potent potions for free in exchange for you advertising my other goods. Just don't let the guards catch you with this. It would more likely mean certain death to us both." he said and held the small bottle out to her to accept the deal if she wished to. Weighting out her options she took the bottle delicately out of his hands and he nodded gesturing for her to follow him back to the front where he also handed her a small bottle of dark green poison for her weapons of choice. It was indeed a pricy poison by the looks of it. Only a few has seen this type other than drow and knew how to use it.

"Deal is made and good luck there deary." he said just as another customer came into the shop with the jingle of a bell chime. Lyra nodded to him on her way out to find her party members who werent to far away and ready to be on their way on the trail of this missing person.

"Is everyone ready to go?" Asked the druid looking over at them all just as they were being looked upon by the guards. Lyra stepped behind the neko acting like she was checking something and secretly slipped the vial of dark liquid into her crotch and stood back up facing the guards once more just as the dogs began to sniff around them.

Lyra waited in baited breath as they came sniffing around her legs and feet wondering if the vial was well hidden enough that they wouldnt have her trying to dash out of town with her escape. Yet the dogs only sniffed then licked her hands in saying she was good and went to another group. Looking up she smiled at them.

"I guess we can go now. " she said and began walking toward the gates feeling relieved that she wouldnt have to make a mad dash out the front gates just for the sake of the free poison given to her by a shady individual.

The long walk was one of greeting and meeting of each other and finding out what they were. The druid was named Gwynnie and was hoping to be of some good help whild trying to find someone else along her many travels which suited Lyra just fne as a companion who needed to keep going place to place due to her own past. Pandicorn was an adorable panda bard wanting to finally get out and explore the world and was in glee to find herself among some friendly people on her first trip out. Yuri herself seemed to be pleasant but had about as many secrets up her sleeve as Lyra had. But to Lyra this was suiting her just fine, as long as they didn't question her about her past she would do the same with them.

The first evening out was rather pleasant as Pandicorn was playing her instrument and singing as they all lay down to sleep feelng content about their journey. Sometime within the night Gwynnie wakes up over the slowly dying fire and wonders why she awoke. Glancing over the others she noticed that Lyra was lightly mumbling in her sleep, head shaking back and forth with her hands pushing away something that the druid was unable to see. This had gone on for several minutes before the rogue sat straight up , lavander eyes horrified and wide over whatever she was dreaming about.

"Lyra are you alright?" Gwynnie whispered to the rogue over the flickering flames. Lyra looks over at her looking a little sheepish and nods before lying back down on her pallet.

"I"m fine Gwynnie. Just a nightmare. I didn't mean to wake you if I had." she said and rolled over so her back was facing the druid. Gwynnie wasn't sure what to do about her except go back to sleep for now.

Lyra lay awake for a long while fighting back shivering over the thought of the dream she had. It seemed to real and to much like her past and dindt like it. The drow were in her city capturing all the Eladrain elves all over again, herself included. Grabbing at her body as if they owned it. Doing unspeakable things to her youngerself. The fire was nothing but lit coals by the time she was sleepy enough to go back to sleep and not fear the dream come rushing back. They were nothing that she had wished to share with any newfound friends she might have just made. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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