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"Ellie! Watch out!"

I jumped out of the way just in time as a piano descended from the fifth level of a building, crashing into the hard, concrete side walk.

My eyes widened as I caught my breath, that was the third time this week.

"Ellie! Are you okay!? You almost got smashed by that piano!"

So this job was also a no.

Hey there, I'm Ellie Rilli, resident of Thero, the third district of Sderius, a huge city which houses over a million people.

Sderius has four known districts. Midi, where the high ranking noble families live. Secco, where the middle class live and home to cafes and very expensive shops. Thero, where I live, is a very urban place with many skyscrapers and few vegetation. Then there's Fioh, the slums of Sderius.

Beyond that is the fifth district, there is no name to the fifth district because technically it doesn't exist. It was used for farming, but was labeled unsafe so no one could enter, well, that's what our text books tell us.

Anyways, back to the present. I'm working as a mover, well 'worked'. This is my twentieth job, from delivery girl, baker, mechanic, anything you can think of, I've probably done it.

The reason I've had so many jobs is because I'm clumsy, disorganized, and a day dreamer, which means I don't pay attention very often.

I kind of liked my job as a mover, but the guys would make fun of me because I'm a five foot five girl, with no muscle, that doesn't really like getting my hands dirty and weighs about a hundred and ten pounds.

I would eat more if I had a steady job, but they still made fun of me. Their just mad that they can't climb like me.

I was brought out of my thoughts as someone slammed their locker closed next to me, "So I heard you quit girlie girl."

That was my nick name because, well, I kind of act like a girlie girl I guess.

"Yeah, I'm going to find another job, this one isn't working out too well. Almost died in the last week! Three times!" I exclaimed to him, getting my things out of my locker, "And lets just say dying isn't a big thing on my to do list."

"Well good luck, you'll need it trying to find another job with your clumsiness, girlie girl." He joked, rubbing the top of my head and walking off, leaving me to clean out my locker alone.

After I finished, I walked out of my twentieth job and went home.


When I finally got home it was dark and only a few people wandered the dark city streets.

Making my way to my apartment, I climbed up the steps to room 669. Walking in, I switched the light on in the living room, illuminating all of the plants that covered the room. There were plants everywhere in my home, they were even out in the hallway cascading down the stairs, bringing a little green to this concrete jungle.

Many people mistook my home for a flower shop, and even asked if they could buy some of the plants, it was weird seeing as there was no 'Flower Shop' sign and it wasn't like I was on the first floor either.

I walked into my bedroom and changed into a pair of night clothes, "Another day, another job."I yawned, turning the light off in the living room and headed for bed.

I laid there starring up at the ceiling, my mind wandering to dangerous places, 'I wonder what's beyond that huge wall...'

In Sderius, the districts are separated by ginormous walls, and bridges that span over an endless pit that has no end, but, what's beyond the fifth districts walls? Is there another world? Or endless darkness just like the endless pits?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2014 ⏰

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