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I stepped out into the green clean grass. The coolness of it felt good between my toes and the bristles tickeled brushing up against the bottom of my foot. I had to watch where I was steping though as to be sure I didn't step on one of those weeds with prickly leaves that stuck in your feet. Those were the wosrt cause they are so small and you can never get them out and they drive you crazy. The sun was beaming down brighter and warmer then ever. It was days like this that I loved the most. I guess when you live in Seattle, a place where it rains all the time you learn to appreciate the sun. I now had the craziest grin on my face cause it felt so good. I reached my hands out and twirled around. I don't know what it was but I just got this really good feeling. Maybe it was the fresh air or the sun geting to my head but I didn't even mind. It was the kind of feeling you felt as when your in love. I was all by myself though. I mean my family was inside the house but it was just me. In the grass. Twirling around. Smiling like an idiot. In my own moment. Summer was always my favorite season.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2012 ⏰

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