chapter 1

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cory's p.o.v.

blood shed and death everywhere . me being the only one left supposedly. no one saw it coming. the zombie virus.

all my friends killed or zombified. Uni, Ashlie, Tommy, nick, Jon, dawn, and Bri. all of them gone and ill never get to tell the one I love how I feel.

as I was walking through the destruction I hear a crash from in an abandoned store. thinking I'm about to get ambushed I grab my knife and get in a battle stance.

I cautiously walk in and check my surroundings. looking around  I see nothing, but supplies, so I start grabbing some of the food. I let my guard down until I hear whispers.
"How are we going to get out!" A voice whisper yelled.

"Keep your voice down" another voice says back.

"Um,hello is someone there?"
I question gripping my knife.
"wait, I know that voice" says the first voice.

"Is it..." responds the second in surprise.

"Umm..." I say and squint my camera eye.
"Cory!" a green haired boy with a torn jester's outfit says jumping out and giving me a hug.

"Jon be carful he's holding a knife" a blue robot with a suit on says with concern.

"Dawn! Jon! Your alive!" I say with excitement

"yep!" says the cheery jester says with a smile and releases me from the hug.

"I'm glad you two are safe" I still in shock as how the two are alive.

"do you know if anyone else is alive?" Dawn questions.

"I don't know I thought you guys were dead,but here you are" I answer with a smile.

"oh, ok and if you don't mind do you have a base we could maybe stay in with you" Jon says with pleading eyes.

"yeah its not too far from here" I say and walk out the store.

"thanks cor." Jon replies and follows me.

"Jon stay by me I don't want you getting hurt." dawn says with worry and runs up to next Jon and grabs his hand.

"I see you and Jon's relationship is still standing." say as we walk to my base.

"yeah dawn keeps me safe." Jon says snuggling into dawns side.

"whose supposed to keep you out of trouble." dawn says to Jon wrapping his arm around him and pulls him closer.

not knowing what to talk about now I just continue to walk in silence.

                 ~close to the base~

dawn's p.o.v.

on are way to the base Jon got tired, so I let him sleep on my back. Cory had been quite most of the time. we finally made it to the base and it was Cory's old house.

"hey, um... will you and Jon be fine with sleeping on the couch together?" Cory questions.

"yeah, that's fine also do you have any food you can spare?" I question since me and Jon haven't had good food since the virus started.

"yeah I have lots of food" Cory says opening the front door that has lost its color and has millions of locks.

I follow Cory into the house and walk over to a brown couch. I set a sleeping Jon down and turn around to see Cory just finishing up with locking the door.

"the kitchen's over there if you forgot" Cory says pointing to the kitchen.

"thanks" I say to him and he nods and run up the stairs.

"he must be tired" I thought to myself.

I then walk to the kitchen and walk over to a fridge that has a picture of everyone at the beach. I sigh and open the fridge to my surprise is still running. I look in and see cheese and bread. I could make some cheese sandwiches for me and Jon. so, I grab the two things and make the sandwiches just like that. I put the two things away and place the sandwiches on two plates. 

I then carry the plates to the table and set them down. once I set the plates down I walk to the couch and see Jon fast asleep. I then shake him lightly to wake him up.

"jon I made you a sandwich." I say to the sleeping boy.

"wha...?" jon says tiredly his eyes half-open.

"yep now come on" I say to him as he sits up.

"ok" Jon says getting up from the couch and walking to the table.

we start to eat and jon still is tired. we just eat in silence until we hear a knock.


mack here I hope you guys like this story I just wanted to write so I wrote this.

-outfitters out>///<

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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