The Battle for hill 72892

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Cold, mud, blood. That's the dark side of humanity, the atrocities that a man is capable of doing to another were reflected in that battle by that time it was 1917, the war was one year away from ending, but the worst was yet to come.
You were in the German army and the allied forces had the battalion you were in surrounded; they had conquered trench after trench making you retreat onto the hill 72892 more commonly known as mt Ebott it was the last German position that stood between the allied forces and the fatherland and your orders, as the soldier you were, were to defend the hill until your last breath.
Your name was Russell but your friends called you Rusty and you were 25 years old. And this were your battle clothes.

(Forget the las gun and just put him a bolt action rifle from world war one)Russell: "Hey, brother"Your brother: "what is it Rusty?"Rusty: "Whats the report on the enemy frontline?"Brother: "everything is quiet, too quiet

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(Forget the las gun and just put him a bolt action rifle from world war one)
Russell: "Hey, brother"
Your brother: "what is it Rusty?"
Rusty: "Whats the report on the enemy frontline?"
Brother: "everything is quiet, too quiet." "Tell the commander that we may have to prepare for an assault."
Rusty: "right away."
You took your backpack and went to the commanders office to give your report.
Rusty: "kommander" *salute* im here to report on the enemy, companies A and B report that the enemy has abandoned their position to join their main forces here." You said pointing to a red horizontal line in the map.
Kommander: "so it looks like they are getting ready to launch a massive offensive..."
Rusty: "yes sir." "What orders may I carry out sir?"
Kommander: "Go tell companies A, B and D to ready themselves for battle and to prepare the gas canisters." "Also tell companies C and E that we may need to retreat higher in the mountain in order to ambush them if they take our positions."
"Yes sir." Once you had notified all the companies you went next to your brother behind the machine gun and told him the plan.
Brother: "so... our kommander doesn't want us to fall back into Germany..."
Rusty: "Ya, he wants us to hold our position, he said that there will be friendly fire to those who disobey orders." "He also said that we have to get ready for a gas attack."
Brother: "okay, lets just get this over with..."
Brother: "Whatever you do don't get out of the trench no matter what" "I'll try to take care of you."
Russell: "thank you brother"
Brother: *hugging you* "stay strong brother" "i love you."
Suddenly the whistle rang through the trench and someone yelled "GAS MASKS ON!!"
You put on your gas mask as well as your brother and prepared the heavy machine gun.
Suddenly gas canisters soared through the sky and made impact in the enemy trench making them all advance; problem is, that they also had gas masks but your attack caught them by surprise nonetheless and it killed those who weren't ready.
You awaited for the open fire signal.
And then the open fire signal rang and you began to shoot the machinegun to the enemy advancing uphill.
But then a force lifted you off the ground and threw you behind the german trench. Your ears rang like crazy and when you recomposed yourself you noticed that you were being bombarded with heavy artillery. Then everything went to hell; it was pure chaos, the heavy artillery had opened a breach in the trench allowing the allies to enter and kill your fellow soldiers with ease since the bombardment caught everyone completely off guard. You got up and took out your trench maze and jumped back inside the trench, you saw a British soldier stabbing several times a german soldier right before the german fell dead you went to the British and hitted him in the face with the trench maze you raised your maze again and slammed it back down onto the soldier's head you got up and took your rifle and went to search your brother (b/n = brothers name)
Rusty: "B/NNNN!!!" You yelled catching the attention of another soldier who charged at you with his bayonet fixed; you panicked and out of instinct fired your rifle but missed, he reached you and stabbed you in the pancreas. Right then you snapped and forgot about your fear, all you had left in you was rage and hatred you kicked back the enemy soldier and pulled the bayonet out of your wound then you went to him and tackled him to the ground and started hitting him in the face with your maze. Once he was dead you went berserk and started killing enemy soldiers left and right when you ran out of ammo in your rifle you used your bayonet, when the bayonet broke you used your trench maze and pistol, when you ran out of ammo in the pistol you used your trench maze. Suddenly you reached a dead soldier with a flamethrower and took it from him, you burnt a group of five soldiers and watched them perish, then you left the flamethrower and kept on going until you nearly reached the end of the trench all this while the enemy heavy artillery kept pounding non-stop.
B/N: "...h-here..." you heard him and went running to kneel next to him.
Rusty: "D-Don't worry i'll get you out of there."
B/N: "brother..."
Rusty: "come on there must be a way out!"
B/N "brother...just......... go...."
Rusty: NEIN!!
Then your brother punched you in the face and said.
"Stubborn like a mule... cant you see that im done for?!" He yelled weakly.
You kneeled crying while he held you in his arms.
"Just.... go........"
Those were the final words that you remembered from him.

You stopped crying and took your trench maze and your rifle and while the allies advanced you lied low and moved fast between the heavy artillery fire, the rain and mud.
You kept running until you found a cave carved in the mountain well hidden behind some bushes and vines having no other choice you went ahead and ventured inside.
Unfortunately you went and tripped with a root on the ground and fell into a hole.

You woke up in a bed made of flowers inside what looked like a cavern and those were... columns?
Rusty: "what the...?"
You tried to get up but to no avail as your leg hurt a lot as if a car just ran over you.
Rusty: "Aaaagh! Fuck, hello?"
You called for help, but none came.
You looked up to the ceiling of the cavern and to your surprise you saw a hole which was illuminated by the sunlight.
You stood there kneeling for a few seconds and finally you decided to make the first move; you took two branches like planks not too heavy but not too light either so moving would be a pain in the ass. You corrected your leg and aligned the bone feeling an immense pain in the process, so you took off your trench coat and with your shirt you bandaged your right leg the best you could so that the 2 branches would hold your bone in place. You also improvised a bandage with a piece of cloth to cover the pancreas area since it was exposed.

You took careful steps and once you got used to the pain you started walking onwards past a gate and into a darkened room where a single flower with a face was swinging from side to side.
???: "howdy!" "I'm flowey you are new around here arent you?"
Rusty: "uuuuhh ya...?"
Flowey: "well in that case someone has to show you how things work around here."
Rusty: "I-I uuuuuuh"
Flowey: "come on, dont you trust me?"
Rusty: "i suppose..."
Flowey: "okay lets begin!"
You stood in front of flowey and then it said "why dont you try catching the friendly pellets with your hand?" And flowey, with the wink of an eye, made appear 5 pellets so; trusting the flower you catch one with your hand and right then you felt an immense pain in your wound.
You turned back to flowey which had a creepy look on its face and said.
"You idiot, down here its kill or be killed"
"Why would anyone pass an opportunity like this!?" Right after that sentence you were surrounded by 8 pellets and started to close in as they were spinning as flowey was laughing maniacally.

Right when you thought you were a goner the pellets disappeared and it said:
"Wait how did you-" right before a fire ball hitted it in the face making you turn in the direction from where the fireball came.
???: "how terrible creature, harming such a poor innocent youth."
Rusty: wh-who are you, where am i!?
???: "do not be afraid my child i am Toriel.
Caretaker of the ruins."
Rusty: "w-well im Y/N but what are you?"
Toriel: "well i am a monster of course!"
Rusty: "but how did i- agh!"
Toriel: "what's wrong my child? Are you hurt?"
Rusty: "no i-i... am........ not." You said before passing out.
Toriel held you before you made contact with the floor and she said.
"Do not worry my child i will take care of you."
So she took you to her home and laid you on her bed since you were too large to fit in the childrens bed.
So she took off your improvised bandage and removed the two branches. Suddenly she noticed that the improvised bandage was a shirt so being curiosity more than anything else she removed your trench coat and couldnt help but to stare at your bare muscular chest, blushing a little she hurried and putted you a blanket on top and proceeded to treat your wounds with her magic.

*2 hours later*

You woke up feeling woozy trying to remember then everything came rushing back you first realized that the wound didn't hurt you anymore but when you tried to get up you lost balance and had to kneel on the ground to prevent a major collision of your face with the floor.
Hearing your almost amusing struggle Toriel came in the room

Hill 72892: Toriel x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now