Chapter 1

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A small inaudible sigh escaped thin pink lips as tired dark eyes stared outside the window through which sunlight poured through. Soft, cool breeze hit lightly against the glass windows, creating an almost inaudie low music. A pale cheek rested upon a palm of matching skin tone as the small thin lips pursed together in deep thought. It was the first day of first year of high school, and the class teacher was lecturing about what the students will face in the following year and how they can keep up the good grades, etc. Nothing Saina didn't know already. As a hand waved frantically in the corner of her line of vision, the female averted her gaze from the window to the male in the seat next to her own. There sat a boy with light brown, short hair and dark brown eyes with coloured skin tone and a healthy body built. His hair were sectioned to the left side and appeared as if he ran his fingers through them every minute, which he probably did.

"What is it, Veer?" Saina asked in a hushed voice with a blank face, making the male grunt. "Aren't you bored?" He asked in a whisper, running his hand through his hair in a irritated fashion. The female lifted her head off her palm before nodding in reply, fixing her high black ponytail as she did. Veer frowned and clicked his pen on and off repeatedly out of boredom. "I wanna do something," he whined in a low voice, keeping his gaze at the female. Saina took a quick glance at the teacher to make sure their conversation hadn't grabbed her attention before grinning at the boy. "Just a Sec," she whispered while rummaging through her back pack, making Veer's eyebrows to knit together in confusion. She pulled out her tablet from the bag, handing it over to the male when the teacher wasn't noticing. Veer stared at the female wide eyed for a split second before raising his eyebrow at the device. His reaction was only natural since bringing smart phones or personal devices wasn't allowed for the students in their school- except for in special occassions. Veer turned the device on and started to look through god knows what as Saina made sure the teacher wasn't noticing.

Saina Rai was an average female for her age with pure black hair and extremely dark brown eyes which could be mistaken black. Her skintone was pale and her body was skinny with slight curves. Her hair barely reached her chest while she had front bangs. As for height, she was 5'8 and weighed around 56 kgs. She came from a typical Indian family and had not out of ordinary features- except for her unnaturally thin lips which she was often teased about. The friend next seat was Veer Dwivedi, a good enough friend ever since she had joined the school- 5th grade. Unlike her, Veer was in the school ever since he was old enough to attend school away from his parents. He was around 5'9 and weighed around 60 kgs, also comming from a normal Indian family and no out of ordinary features- none visible at least.

"Ooh la la, what's this. Didn't knew you were mithi." Veer smriked as he tilted the screen of the device in her direction slightly, showing he was looking through her gallery which consisted mainly pictures of women of diffrent shapes and sizes, probably took from the internet. Saina's cheeks flushed pink as she rolled her eyes at him, shrugging off the comment about her being gay. "Not like you don't like girls. Can't help it when girls are so.. amazing," she muttered in defense, sticking her tounge out at the male who chuckled in response. "Right. That's true." Veer continued looking through her folders, knitting his eyebrows together. "What's this?" He again tilted the screen in her direction, revealing chat screenshots of herself with a person- namingly 'Ray'. She rolled her eyes at the memory and waved her hands dissmissively. "Delete that. Not that I want them anymore."

Veer frowned and read through the screenshots, his eyebrow raising ever so slightly as he finished. "Wow. You can use some real smart lines sometimes. Plus you're really good at english." He snickered as he deleted the pictures like he was told. "Eh. He got on my nerves. Attention seekers, you know. Took those screenshots to show to my best friend," Saina shrugged as she again rested her cheen on top of her closed palm, pretending to be paying attention to the teacher. As Veer showed hsis curiousity about the matter, the female explained the old matter she had almost forgotten to him in a whisper. Before she could finish, the bell rang, indicating it was lunch period already.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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