Author's Note

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Before you start reading, note that this is a sequel and I recommend reading Mercy first, otherwise things will be out of context. 

So, this is draft one. For comparison, Mercy was a draft 4 or 5. That means this draft may end up being short, will have lots and lots of garish errors and inconsistencies. I write like a painter. I lay down the primer, then go over and over it with colour. There are two reasons I'm choosing to post a draft one: The first being it would be unfair to make the two or three of you who are invested in the story wait for a year while I figure this stuff out, the second being, I do hope to make a living off my writing at some point, and so will not post a mostly polished draft and save that for the virtual bookshelves. 

Again, the characters are taking me down an unexpected path and they are frustrating me to death! But let's cross our fingers and hope Brooklyn ends up with the right guy, whether it be sweet, sweet Stephen or... the yummy Father Mathias.

I hope you enjoy Rapture despite the fact that it is a draft one.

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Thanks for reading,


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