Just the beginning

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Lilith's POV

As I'm running I look back and see my mom. I turn around and keep running and running till I can't run anymore and I fall on my knees and cry into my hands. Then when I realized that I'm free from his grasp. I hear the dogs coming so I get up and run I land into the river and I'm getting swept away with the current. I give up fighting and I flow until I see this dark cloud over me I squint and it's a handsome guy helping me out the water. He says hi, how are you in this water as cold as it is. He picks me up and carries me up to this tent. I look at him and I smile he says what's your name? I go to say Annabeth but stop I say my names Lilith. He says alright Lilith how did you end up in that water? I say I ran away from home! He says hunny how old are you? I say I'm 18 he says are you being honest with me? I shake my head yes he says alright then you didn't run away. I say but I did I was abused physically, mentally, sexually, and verbal. I say look and lift my shirt I have huge bruises on my side and I say oh there is more I turn so he can see there all over my back and I say there on my legs to. He says oh my god who did this to you? I say my um my step dad! He says are you serious? I shake my head yes he moves closer to me but I move away. He seemed hurt but I say I'm just scared sorry he says I was gonna cover you up with my jacket. He moves over to me and covers me with his jacket. I say thank u sir he says my names is Cole sorry. I say Cole is a cute name he smiles and says lay down and go to sleep nothing will happen to you. I close my eyes and drift to sleep.

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