A young man has a story
A story that changed his life, and his outlook on the matter.
A young man was once a young boy
Living in a world where a father didn't exist
Looking to his mother to fill the void that his father left open and abandoned
A young boy grew a little older and witnessed the love that everyone should
The love between man and woman,
Husband and Wife.
A young boy witnessed the happiness that a man brought to this woman,
The woman that created him.
A young boy witnessed a new kind of love.
A love he'd never seen before
And with this came two things,
Acceptance and Desire
Acceptance of a man who'd not only fill the void
But exceed the expectations that the young boy had
And earn the title of Dad.
Desire for a love like the one he finally got to witness
Between man and woman
Husband and Wife.
A desire to bring this happiness to a female
The way the man brought happiness to the woman.
The woman that created him.
And the man who filled the void
A young boy was intrigued by the idea of love, happiness.
The idea of a forever with a person who could bring these things.
A young boy grew into a young man.
After years of frustration, hurt, and confusion,
A young man found a young woman,
A young woman that brought him the love he'd witnessed as a young boy
A love he'd never felt before
The love between man and woman,
Husband and Wife.
A young man knew this kind of love existed
For he'd witnessed it for so long.
Through hard times and struggles,
A young man stayed with a young woman
Because a young man knew that the love was real.
Some years later, a young man witnessed something he'd never personally seen,
Something that'd change his life, and the outlook on the matter.
A broken love
Between man and woman,
Husband and WIfe.
The love he'd witnessed for so long
Was falling apart before his eyes
And there wasn't a thing he could do,
But watch in despair
And wonder how real love actually is.
Frustation, Hurt, and Confusion came from a man and a woman.
The woman that created him
And the man that filled the void,
A young man was confused
As he thought frustration, hurt, and confusion came only from the search.
Taken aback,
A young man no longer viewed this type of love in any light
Instead becoming unnerved with the thoughts of love.
The thought of forever with a person who could bring him those feelings
Once made him desire it more,
And now made him scared and wary.
A young woman who brought him this new type of love
He now looked at her with fear.
Fear that all he'd witnessed before was a lie
And what he's witnessing now is the reality.
The harsh reality of love.
A young man will soon grow
And became a Man.
A Man who must make think on his own
And decide whether or not to believe in love.
A young woman will soon grow
And become a Woman
A Woman who must think on her own
And decide whether or not to make a young man believe in love.
A young man and a young woman who only desire to feel the type of love
That is felt between Man and Woman
Husband and Wife.