
18 0 0

Alright so before you or anyone gets into this book let me make a few things clear.

A flight from Seoul to NYC is 18 hours max...

but I didn't know that when I first started writing this book! (which I got the idea for while ON AN AIRPLANE hahHAHAHa)

when I was finalizing the chapters that I had finished already and looking over the outline, I decided to fact check myself since someone else probably would anyway,,, and I swear I thought the flight would be near 23 to 24 hours so that my exaggeration wouldn't be so much of... an exaggeration.

I was mistaken.

So we're going to *pretend* like I didn't just add ten hours to one of these hypothetical flights for the sake of my story's progression and because I'm at liberty to take that creative freedom if I so choose to. and isochooseso

I don't plan on making this 87 chapters, because a flight which the story revolves around can only go on for so long (and I'm already pushing it) but it will be a bit of a lengthy short story I guess you could call it.

however the portrayal of the female love interest is always left open to the reader :)

Anyway, enjoy the book!

28 Hour Flight. | Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now