Ask #10

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Me: Angelwave1324 dares us again~!

Sans: I mean, I've met amethyst and garnet

Papyrus: YES! I've met peridot and pearl! And the other gems too!

Lewis: Why must I fuse with them?!

Julie: Lewis *growls*

Benonic: It'll be fun!

Lewis: Okay Fine!

Benonic, Julie and Lewis fused

Manny: Woah

Sir Daniel: O-O

Lebelie: WOW, this feels odd and—

Manolo: NO!!!

Alejandro: No! No! No! NO MA'AM!

Me: No ma'am what?

Manolo: I am not fusing with that brother of mine!

Alejandro: Listen, as much as love Manolo, I just can't!

Brooke: Why not?

Manolo: He's a psycho

Alejandro: He's a Snapper


Alejandro: O-O Everything

Manolo: *tackles him down* YOU JUST TRIGGERED A MEXICAN!

Alejandro: *tackles him back* EAT MY ASSHOLE!!

Manolo and Alejandro fused

Sans: Woah

Alenolo: Damn~! Now this feels good~!

Lebelie: WOW O-o

Alenolo: Man, now I am horny~

Manny: *grabs scythe* Oh hell no

Alenolo: I'm just kidding damn!

Me: Yeah, I know this shit took long -_- But bye bye 03<

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