Test Drive

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Low lights, room full of people who crave to listen to art in its purest form, delicacy and strength laces the words of the poet who almost softly and aggressively describes her independence.

Damn she's beautiful and she speaks so eloquently it's captivating....

"Bright as the sun whose planets surround the everlasting burning embers
delicate as the moon that shines brightly in the dark sky's
She is strength in its purest form and as tender as a blooming flower
Absolute as the endless oceans, held by no man, woman, or phenomenon
She is hers and hers only and she knows this
She walks tall and high as her red bottoms hit the floor click clack click
Knowing no bounds
Infinite power emanating through her veins
She is hers and hers only"

Audience *snaps*snaps*snaps*snaps

"Wow who is that I've never seen her here before" I say as I turn around and ask my best friend Caesar

"She's been a regular here for the last 2 months actually, you know almost since you STOPPED COMING" he emphasizes the last words

"You know I get busy this time of the year brother, it's not intentional and besides we've seen each other since. Do you not recall your bachelor party last week?! I mixed drinks this time and your the one that got shit faced, not everyone is meant to drink their whiskey neat like me brother." I say back smiling mischievously

"Alright, alright... you win this time. Nicky kicked my ass the following day bc I was hungover, she didn't even make me hangover soup dude."

"Hahaha very well deserved go Nicky." I say as I continue laughing

"Whatever Dylan... what's it going to be another beer or whiskey?... by the way are you ever going to get back up there?"

"Beer I've got a morning lecture tomorrow for some of my sophomores and juniors so I can't get drunk or tipsy. Mmmm maybe one day. Now that I'm a professor I have twice the work load bro, so one day I hope so. You know it was my stress reliever but regardless it's always nice to hear people talented enough up there describe and express their emotions so fearlessly." I take a swig of beer

"Yeah it is. I'm going to head out early one of my new girls will close for me today." He says as he takes off his black canvas apron

"Wait your letting one of your new girls close your bar today? Have I met her? Also you haven't even ever let me do that when I've offered?" I say hastily

"Dude your my brother I'll let you close with her, how about that? And yeah you just did, anyways just report to me the EOD sales through the EOD report, okay? Alright I've got to go Nicky is waiting for me. I'll see you soon." He yells as he runs out of the bar

Well okay. My big mouth had to complain about him not ever letting me close and now I'm stuck here with his new girl until closing time. Freaking idiot Dylan. Did he say that I've already met her?

"Hey, you must be Caesar's best friend, right? The tiny, beautiful woman says as she picks up the apron and wraps it around her frail, delicate body.

"You, it's you?! He said you were a regular not his employee?" I say dumbfounded

"I am a regular but I'm also one of his new employees." Smiling back she says cheekily

"Oh and your the one closing today right?" Who would have thought that bastard didn't even tell me the intellectual girl who spoke so eloquently is his employee, not even when I raved about her

"Yup that's me, you're gonna help or just stand there gawking at me?" What a damn feisty woman calling me out like that

"Right, let's get last call so we can close shop, alright?"

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