Chapter Three

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Voldemort has a new status - Damn you Potter and your idiotic friends!!!

Harry - My friends are not idiotic thank you very much

Hermione - At least you have friends Harry

Harry - Good point Hermione, at least I have friends Voldy

Voldemort - Whatever Potter

Harry - I can see you really care though Voldy! You would love to have friends who like you back!

Voldemort - No I do not!

Ron - We all know you do

Hermione - Yep

Voldemort - Shut up all of you

Bellatrix - My lord, I'm your friend.

Voldemort - Really?

Bellatrix - Yes my lord! Together we can kill Potter and his...friends

Voldemort - Yes Bellatrix

Harry - Umm excuse me?

Bellatrix - I killed Sirius Black

Harry - Shut up!

Hermione - Shut up Lestrange

Bellatrix - Ooo it's the mudblood

Ron - That's all you can come up with Lestrange

Bellatrix - Ooo Ronald Weasley coming to save the day! Where's the rest of your pathetic family?

Molly - Right here!

Arthur - Same!

Fred - Also!

George - I'm with Fred!

Ginny - I'm also here!

Bellatrix - Ooo the whole family's here.

Voldemort - Bellatrix...leave it! We need to go and plan on an attack strategy to kill Potter

Bellatrix - Very well my lord

Harry - Bye

Ron - Bye guys

Hermione - Well...

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