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I woke up one night to a big boom in the kitchen thinking it was my cat, Star, but as I crept around the blue corner I saw a shadow of a tall man.As I was tip toeing backward I triped over one of the moving boxes spread out in the living room floor making a loud noise, I got up and sprinted back to my room thinking the man would follow me once I got to my room I laid down in bed thinking nothing happened and went to sleep still shocked by what I saw.Then all of a sudden my cat pounced on me leaving a red mark on my chest she started to meow loudly in my face like she was trying to speak to me or something I got up and looked around I saw the same shadow I saw last night in the kitchen except in my closet I screamed loud enough that the shadow disappeared my mom came rushing through the door asking whats wrong I told her nothing that I just had a bad dream she left the room looking worried.I was scared for life I was being stalked!

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