Chapter 1

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      April started off in her own holding cell. She hated it. She was alone, the only time someone spoke to her was when she was brought food.
      One day she and the others were let out to move around and keep up their strength. Waller came in to watch them. April stood off by herself and watched Waller with hatred in her eyes. Waller saw this and walked down to her. "Do you have a problem?" She sneered. "Yes. You put me in here, for the fun of it!" April screamed. Two guards ran over and grabbed her by the arms. April growled and spit at her. Waller wiped the spit away and motioned for them to take her away. "Put her with someone scarier." She said then walked out.
      April yelled in at her and kicked and squirmed, fighting against the men. She was then thrown into a cell that looked much like a sewer. She stood and looked around then ran at the cell door. She rammed into them and reached out at the men, yelling angrily. They only stepped back and laughed. "The Crock will have fun with her." One said before they walked out of sight. She fell to her knees, still pressed against the bars.
      She gasped when she heard a low growl. She turned to see reflecting eyes. "Who's there!?" She said standing up. A man with scales as skin stepped into the light. She gasped and covered her mouth. "Waylon?" She whispered. He looked at her in surprise. "Oh my god, Waylon." She said, this time knowing it was him. "This, this is where you've been??" She asked. Waylon, still confused, spoke. "How do you know me?" April almost broke at the question. "We-we went to school together." She said, taking a step towards him. He growled at her but she continued. "We were friends. We helped each other." She said. Now she was within arm's length. He bared his teeth and growled again, but froze when her hand touched his cheek. "Waylon, it's me... It's April." She said softly. Their eyes locked and no words were said. "Why they put you down here..?" She asked him. "I asked." He said, pulling away from her and moved back to the shadows. "Waylon..." She whispered.
      With a sigh April sat on the ground and leaned against the bars of the cell. "Why are you in here?" Waylon asked. "Well, I'm in here with you 'cause I spit on Waller. But if you mean here in general, I was found by Batman and brought here for Waller to have fun with." She said with a shrug. At the mention of her spitting on Waller, Waylon laughed. "From fearful to fearless. I like that change." He said looking over at her. She wouldn't know he was looking at her if she hadn't seen the glint of the reflecting animal like eyes. She smiled and nodded.
      "Don't you miss being outside?" She asked him. Another low and quick growl ment he looked away. "Out were I'm seen by everyone and made fun of?" He asked her. She went to say something, but stopped and looked at the ground. "Thought so." He growled. April pulled her legs to her chest. "You left me there alone." She said, not thinking he'd heard her. He growled loudly and stood up and made his way to her. She watched him as he walked angrily and stood over her. "I left? You were alone?" His voice boomed, causing her to jerk and curl tighter. "I was alone from the start!" He yelled at her. At this, she stood and shoved him away from her. "I didn't abandon you though! I stood next to you for as long as I could! I defended you! Even when you weren't looking! Then, suddenly, you disappeared! You left me alone! I had no one to help me!" She was shaking now. "I had no one to keep me out of harm." She murmured, causing Waylon to stop and think about what she said. She lifted the bottom of her shirt just above her belly button, reveling scar. She pulled it back down and looked at the ground.
      The cell was thick with tension and silence. "I almost died that day... I was just letting it happen." She looked up at him. "I smiled, greeting death as if he were a friend... I was narrowly saved by a woman who didn't know who I was." She said, tears rolling down her face. "I thought that maybe you'd be there when I woke, and it was all just a bad dream, but when I woke up in that hospital room..." Her voice trailed off. "I was alone... the doctor asked if I knew where I was and why, but I didn't want it to be true, I wanted you to be there. The first thing I said to him was, 'Has anyone come to visit me? A boy?' When he said no one, not even my own parents, had come to visit me, I broke down." She looked down, trying to keep her voice steady. Waylon listened as she spoke, hearing her voice break more with each word.
      April let out a shaky breath. "I never stopped thinking about you, hoping you'd turn up, or maybe some how contact me." She said weakly. She gasped when she felt a hand rest on her waist. She looked at Waylon who stepped closer to her and then wrapped his arms around her. Her eyes widened, but soon she closed them and leaned into his chest. "I'm sorry..." He whispered. "I had no idea." His voice was low and gruff, yet still smooth and calming.
      April let out shaky breaths as Waylon held her close and swayed as if dancing to music. Tears ran down her face as a memory hit her like a ton of bricks.
      April was in a pastel pink dress with a darker cover-up. She stood looking around for someone, twiddling her fingers nervously. She gasped when a hand gripped her arm and she twirled around to see a boy with dark skin and spots that were covered with lizard scales. She smiled at him as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I-i'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He said.
      April laughed softly. "It's alright Waylon. I shouldn't have been so jumpy." She said with a smile. She reached for his hand but he pulled away. "Waylon, I'm not afraid of you." She said softly. She, then, grabbed his hand and led him into the room where music blared. As the song faded out and a slow song came on. Waylon looked over at April and pulled her out to the dance floor.
      April laughed as she stepped closer to him and placed her hands on his shoulders and he placed his on her waist. She then leaned into his chest and closed her eyes as they swayed back and forth to the song.
      The memory faded and April pressed her face into his chest and took in a breath. He was taller than her then, but now he towered over her. She looked up at him and smiled weakly. He looked down at her. "You remember?" She asked in a whisper. He nodded. "I even remember the dress you wore." He said. She smiled happily and sighed softly. He finally moved away from her and turned, walking back to the shadows of the cell. She looked at the ground and closed her eyes. "Hey, guess what you two?" A male's voice sounded. April turned quickly to see a man standing there. "Rick Flag." She said crossing her arms over her chest. He glared at her. "Oh shut up! You were and still are one of the most wanted criminals in America." He said. "That's a bloody lie!!" She yelled, pointing at him. "And you know it!"She seethed. Flag rolled his eyes and looked at Waylon. "You willin' to help Waller, K.C.?" He asked. Waylon stood and walked into view. "Only if she comes with me." He said. Flag looked at April. "Well?" He asked her.
      "Why not? I could use a good fight." She said. She knew that Waylon had done this before she got here, but she hadn't known he was here now. She had only heard of 'Killer Crock' not 'Waylon Jones', so she only knew that 'Crock' had been out and fought off a witch and her brother.
      Flag chuckled and nodded. "Can you use a gun?" He asked her. She shrugged. "Gun, bow, or blade. I can adapt." She said. "I wanna see." He said. She crossed her arms. "Only if he's with me the whole time." She said. Flag rolled his eyes then sighed. "Alright." He said angrily. April smiled satisfied then frowned. "No muzzle." She said and Flag nodded. "Let's go." He said opening the cell door. April smiled and looked at Waylon, then it faded. He stood at the cell entrance, as if he were afraid to walk out there. That's when she realized, he'd always been treated like a monster and an animal. "Waylon... It's alright." She said, setting her hand on his arm. He blinked then nodded.
      They both walked to an area that was stocked with guns and bows, and knives, daggers and swords of all shapes and sizes were scattered on different tables. April felt a smile cross her lips and excitement run through her body. "Have fun. Use the targets, not real people." Flag said, and at that April ran over to a table that held three shotguns, one crossbow, one compound bow, and about fifteen throwing knives. She grabbed the first shotgun and loaded it and shot a round off at a target. She then, once all the amo for the shotguns ran out, she grabbed the crossbow and set an arrow on it and held it up and shot at a wooden target. Then, ignoring the compound bow, she picked up three knives and turned on her heels and threw one at a flying target, that stuck into the wall, then threw the last two in her hands at a moving target, one stuck on the bull's eye and the other right next to it. She then looked at Flag with a smirk. "That's only a bit of what I can do." She said. Flag glared at her and said nothing.
      April looked over at Waylon and smiled happily. Waylon chuckled and shook his head. April looked off to the side and her smile turned shy. Flag caught it and nodded to himself, keeping his thoughts to himself. He cleared his throat and motioned for them to get back to the cell. Once back in the cell, Flag left and went to Waller. "I found a bit out about the pair of them." He said, walking into the room and closing the door.
      Waller, who was sitting at a desk, looked up at him. "And?" She asked. "We can use her as leverage to get him to do anything we need, and visversa." He said. Waller smirked and nodded. "Get them ready. The same as last time, chips and all." She said. He nodded and walked out of the room and told troops what to do.
      April, sitting on the floor of the cell, hummed softly. She gasped and stood when the cell door was jerked open. Waylon pulled her back behind him and growled, baring his teeth at the men. "C'mon K.C. Don't do this. It's the same as last time. We ain't gonna hurt you or her." One said. April was scared but said nothing. Waylon growled loudly when he was stuck in the neck. They had tranquilized him, then put him on a dolly. They strapped her into a wheelchair, making her panic. As they were wheeled off she heard Waylon wake up and groan. They stopped next to a few people and one walked up to her, shoved her head to the side. She screamed out when she felt a searing pain in her neck and heard Waylon growl softly. "I'm okay Waylon..." She said weakly. Then she was wheeled away out of sight. Once she was unstrapped she jumped up and fell to the ground and took deep breaths. She jerked when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Floyd holding his hand out for her to take. She smiled weakly and took his hand and he helped her up. "You good?" He asked her. She nodded. "Yeah. Just freaked out a bit." She said. "You wanna wait for Crock?" He asked. She nodded. "Yeah. That'd be nice." She said. Just she said that, she turned to see Waylon being wheeled out. She smiled weakly and watched as he was unstrapped and he stepped away from the men. She was still panting slightly when he walked over to the two of them. "You okay?" He asked her and she nodded. "Just freaked out a bit is all. Nothing I can't handle." She said with a shrug and Waylon nodded and all three of them walked to an area that held, not only more military, but also crates of their things.
      April knew that this was going to be the begining of a battle they wouldn't want to fight, but she'd stand next to her friends the whole way. This was the first step of her new life as one of Waller's pawns and she knew that she would have to fight hard to win the fight she had with Waller.

((2274 words. Wow. Lol just wow. I don't have anything else to say about that. So bye~! Until next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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