September 3rd

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Hello!!!! Here's the Daily Update!

If you don't know what this is, go see the Update Schedule - Week of September 3rd!

The Plan that was Planned to Fail (TPTWPTF)

- So I have finished the prologue!!!! I have not started on chapter 1. I will probably start it on Wednesday. I would start it tomorrow but I have to work on a project that I only started today, and well it's due on Wednesday.

Illegal Love (IL)

- OK, I'm going a lot slower on this one than I thought I would. I haven't started chapter 1. I will start it along with TPTWPTF.

The FireWalker (TFW)

- I am still trying to make the prologue perfect. Well nothing is perfect right. I'm still working on it. Hopefully I'll have it updated soon. But I am working on it currently.

In the Halls (ITH)

- In the Halls, I have not started on chapter 1. I think I will have it updated next week by at least Friday.

The Powerful 16 (TPS)

- I need to start on the prologue for this story! That will be done soon! Promise!

The Lost Puppy (TLP)

- I'm going to work on the prologue. I will probably not have TLP updated until the week of September 17th.

Love Sucks (LS)

- LS will be one of the few stories that will not have a prolouge. I'm going straight to chapter 1... which... I need to start. Expect this update week of Sept. 17th.

A Dying Rose (ADR)

- I want this updated next week! I will be starting chapter 1 really soon.

On Rainy Days (ORD)

- Chapter 1 will - hopefully - be updated by next week. I just need to start it first.

And lastly.... I will be adding another story to this long list of stories. Oh god! (Keep reading to find out more!)

It will be called Kissing in the Rain. I've had the idea for the title for a while, I just didn't know what to make the plot about. That's when I learned... that I already had the plot of the story the whole time! I found it funny because, at first, I had the title idea and then I had an idea for a story. I just didn't think the story and the title would work together. But they will! Eventually.!

Anyway Kissing in the Rain will be very angsty and fluffy at points. It's basically about a boy who loves this girl but he can't have her and he's like really sad and stuff. This is a very crappy description. I promise the story will be so much better!

- 112dreamer

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