Planting The Seeds For New Beginings

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*the next day the Mane 6, Colt 6, Royal Siblings, Spike, Barbra, and the CMC gather at the new orchard for the apples*

Celestia- *concerned* So the meteor was debris from our battle between Luna and Artemis a thousand years ago.

Solaris- *concerned* Our magic, as well as our conflict was infused into that.

Luna- *concerned* It was that magic that animated you. And that animosity that influenced you.

Artemis- Fortunately there was part of our brother and sister's love in there to shape you Good Apple.

Celestia- *admits* I choose to believe the love in there was from the four of us brother.

Luna- *admits* A thousand years and our battle is still shaping things.

Solaris- *solemn* We cannot change what happened, Luna we can only do our best to learn from it and try to make the inspiration for some good things.

Twilight/Dusk- *sincerely* And the four of you are doing a wonderful job...

Royal Siblings- *nuzzles them*

Celestia- *smiles calmly* This valley is uninhabited, Good Apple.

Solaris- *nods calmly* We give it to you and your people so you can build yourselves a new home.

Good Apple- *hopeful* I hope to make it a good one.

Both- *smiles* We believe you will.

*the CMC notice Bad apple in a cage*

Applebuck- *concerned* I can't believe they're taking him too.

Bad Apple- *upset* Neither can I!

Good Apple- *smiles* Thank you for everything-all of you! If you ever need anything from well, the Apple Kingdom, you need only ask!

*the ponies wave happily*

Celestia/Solaris- *calmly* Fare thee well, apples!

*the four royals shield the Apple Kingdom*

Solaris- *solemn* This will conceal their settlement from the rest of our world.

Artemis- *nods* And give them the seclusion they need to carve out their future.

Rainbow/Blitz- *to Rarity and Elusive* Don't you guys miss your wings?

Rarity- *admits* Not really.

Elusive- *calmly* None Of our clothes have wing holes and we'd have to get a new wardrobe for something that was only temporary. *smirks* No thanks.

Apple Bloom- *to Celestia and Solaris* Your highnesses, was it smart to just give them their own land?

Apple Buck- *concerned* Yeah! They were so bad before...

Celestia- *explains to everypony* Everyone has bad aspects to their personality. Ego. Vanity. Stubbornness. And more.

Rainbow/Blitz/Rarity/Elusive/Applejack/AJ- *ears flatten in concern*

Solaris- *solemn* These are all part of us. But if we work hard enough, and we truly want to, we can strive to rise above that.

Celestia- *calmly to Fluttershy and Butterscotch* You all saw that in Fluttershy and Butterscotch who were able to control their more savage instincts and do so much good in their vampire forms.

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *bows* Thank you, princess.

Solaris- *to the CMC* Our tendencies inform us, but we must not let them control us.

Scooteroll- *realizes* Hey, that's kind of like our cutie marks right?

Scootaloo- *smiles* Cutie marks aren't just symbols of our personality or our skills or our interests. It's a combination. When we find the thing inside of us that is also the thing we love more than anything, then we'll have our marks.

Celestia- *happily* Such insight, Scootaloo! It won't be long before you have yours, I think.

*the CMC look hopefully but see nothing*

Solaris- *calmly* But a little longer than that I'm afraid.

*Twilight, Applejack, Dusk, and AJ are overlooking the orchard*

Twilight- *rests her head on Dusk's chest calmly* It would be interesting to return to this valley in the future and see what crop has sprung from the seeds we planted.

Dusk- *nods calmly*

Applejack- *calmly* It would indeed.

AJ- *nods calmly*

*everyone heads back to the balloon*

Sweetie- *smiles* I'm looking forward to the balloon ride back! That was sweet!

Sweepy- *happily* Hey, maybe we'll become balloon pilots!

Pinkie- *famished* Great googly, moogly, I'm hungry!

Bubble- *smirks at the others* Does anyone else feel like apple pie?!

Mane 5/Colt 5/CMC- *shouts angrily* NO!

Twilight- *shudders* Do you know how much apple juice we all drank from sucking the juice out of those apples last night...

Dusk- *admits* I could do without apples for a few days...

Rarity/Elusive- *groans* Try weeks...

*they keep walking*

Pinkie- *happily* Maybe apple cobbler?

Bubble- *smiles* Or an apple turnover!

Both- *excited* A nice apple tart!

Spike/Barbra- *unamused* Keep that up and they're going to make you guys walk back.

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