The Show: Noel Miller

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Today was the Tiny Meat Gang show, and it was all you could think about. you rushed through her day, wanting to be home as soon as possible so she could get ready, while listening to their newest album and getting HYPED! Your best friend Yulia was going with you; you guys were both major fans of TMG. Yulia had had a crush on Cody since vine, but you liked to turn your eyes more towards Noel. Your type was usually blonde guys who were well built, but there was something about Noel you really liked.

"Flora!" Yulia yelled from her car outside the coffee place you worked at part time, "Lets GO, I need help picking an outfit!" 

You looked at the clock and noticed it was 4 minutes past your shift's end. You had been daydreaming, oops. You grabbed her bag, almost tore off the apron, and hopped in the car's passenger seat next to Yulia. 

"BITCH I GOT SOME CLOUT," Yulia was sing-screaming along with the good old classic TMG song she had on in the car. 

"just...bars," you said, bursting into laughter with your friend. 

"I am so excited you have no idea," Yulia said, "I don't know what to wear though, help me!"

"We'll figure it out when we get to your place," you said, scrolling through your music to find a song.

After a few hours of Yulia trying on outfits and putting on her makeup with you, she checked the time, and herded you out the door. Unfortunately, neither of you got to buy VIP tickets on time, so you wouldn't be meeting the guys tonight. You passed the VIP entrance spot glumly, and found a good spot.

"Holy shit, I'm so excited I am going to cry," Yulia joked, and she looked around, seeing if anyone she knew was at the show.

Fifteen minutes later, the lights went down and Please Be a Hit started playing through the speakers. The whole audience threw their arms up and bopped with it.

"This shit slaps!!" you yelled into Yulia's ear, hyped up.

The two boys run onto stage, and everyone screams. You felt butterflies in your stomach and can't help smiling the widest smile you could. 

The show goes on, and Yulia and you laughed so hard, you thought you were going to pee yourselves.

About halfway through, Cody yells, "Alright, who didn't get VIP tickets because they were sold out?" The two of you waved your arms, replying at the top of you lungs, "we didn't, we didn't!"

"We're going to throw these T-shirts, and whoever catches them gets to come hang out with us after the show tonight!" Noel says, causing a riot.

You grabbed Yulia, saying, "We need to get those shirts. Period." 

Cody throws the first one way to the back, and Noel throws the second one to the side. He holds the last T-shirt, and lugs it towards the middle of the room. You felt like she had tunnel vision, as you jumped up as high as she could and snatched the shirt from the air. 

"HOLY SHIT," screamed Yulia, "FLO, YOU ARE MEETING TMG!" You couldn't believe you had caught the shirt; you were so overwhelmed. 

The show went on, and although you enjoyed it, you couldn't help herself from thinking about meeting Cody, and your long time favorite, Noel. 

The boys left the stage, and Yulia grabbed your arm: "Lets go and see how to get in to the back," she said, "maybe they will let me in with you!" You hoped they would, because you knew how much Yulia loved Cody.

You showed the shirt to the security guard near the stage, and he asked, "who caught it?" Yulia pointed at you, and he said, "Sorry, only one person allowed in the back." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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