D•N•Air Gear:Trick 1

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Disclaimer:I do not own Air Gear





Its 2014 and our hero,Ikki is now at the age 19. "Ikki wake up!",Is what Ikki woke up to in the morning."Just one more minute!",Ikki responded to his girlfriend Ringo that moved in with him during their first year of their realtionship."Ikki you promised you would take me on a date today". "I am but look at the time its,5:00 in the morning we have alot of time". Sometimes Ringo can't believe that one of the laziest people in the world is the sky king,but she's happy for him,that he finally got to live his dream and fly through the sky. "Can you at least come here for a second?", Ringo asked. As Ikki came in the living room,Ringo wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him."What was that for?",Ikki asked."Because I love you",Ringo responded."Well... I love you more",Ikki responded."Really?",Ringo asked."Yup",Ikki responded sounding a little cocky."Prove it",Ringo said challenging Ikki.As Ikki and Ringo leaned in,a knock on the door interrupted it. "Ringo,Ikki-san open the door",said a girl that sounds really familiar."Do we have to open it?",Ikki asked sounding annoyed.Ringo gave Ikki the death glare which obviously means "Of course" while asking who was at the door."Its me Ume-chan",the little girl said."Oh Ume you should've called and told us you were visiting",Ikki said."Sorry I'm kinda in a rush",Ume said."What's so 'importent' Ume?",Ringo asked."Actually its just for you Ringo,so Ikki-san you have to leave"."Why can't I know?",Ikki asked."Please Ikki?",Ringo asked after kissing his cheek."Fine",Ikki finally agreeing."So what is it Ume?",Ringo asked,again."Has Ikki proposed yet?",asked Ume out of no where."EH?!",Ringo asked getting pretty loud and embarrassed."Has Ikki proposed yet?",Ume asked again."You came all the way here just to ask me that?!",Ringo screamed while blushing."No,I was just wondering",Ume said while slightly laughing."Oh OK",Ringo said sounding relieved."So did he?",Ume asked once again."Just tell me the real reason your here....",Ringo said getting annoyed."Fine,fine",Ume said sounding sad cause she wanted to keep asking."We think that the 'New Genesis' has targeted Ikki-san",Ume said sounding serious."There's a new Genesis?",Ringo asked."Yup,they formed just last month and they already have 470 members",Ume answered."Wait,why are you telling me? I'm not a storm rider anymore",Ringo asked."We know,but we think since you and Ikki are in a relationship,it'll be better if he focuses on you and only you",Ume answered."Not that I mind (For a matter of fact she's pretty damn happy that Ikki should only be focusing on her) but why?",Ringo asked.We really don't know,it was Rika-nee's suggestion",Ume answered."I really have to go to school now,sorry,bye Ringo",Ume said not giving Ringo the chance to respond."Geez that girl is a piece of work",Ringo thought aloud."Ikki you can come here now!",Ringo shouted from the living room to the bedroom that they share.After 20 seconds of no response Ringo decided to go to the bedroom and knock on the door."Wait this is my room too,I don't need to knock",Ringo said."After opening the door,Ringo,didn't see her most prized precession (Ikki)."What in the name of hell",Ringo thought aloud,again."Where did he g-",Ringo said not finishing her sentence noticing the note on the drawer. 'Went out to go buy some new A-T parts i'll be back by 7:00,Love Ikki',the note said."Waits its 7:00 right now",Ringo said while a pair of arms wrapped around her waist.At first,Ringo was gonna turn around and slap who ever the hell even dared to touch her but then she realized who it was."Ikki! Don't scare me like that!",Ringo screamed."Sorry but I saw a chance and went for it",Ikki said apologizing."Your lucky that I noticed it was you and that I love you alot",Ringo said."Yea I know,I love you too",Ikki responded."Wanna go on our date now?",Ikki asked."Actually I'm not interested in the date anymore,all I want is to Stay here and cuddle you and fall asleep",and that's exactly what they did.As Ringo fell asleep, Ikki stayed awake."Damn it,I already made a reservation at a restaurant and I bought a ring and everything",Ikki thought to himself.That's when an idea popped into his head.Ikki took out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number,and a certain blue head boy picked up."Hey Agito.....",Ikki started."FUCK!,what do you want?",Agito asked."I made a reservation at a restaurant called 'The Word' for me and Ringo,but now we don't feel like going,by any chance do you and Yayoi feel like going?",Ikki asked."Hm.... I gu- ,wait did you say 'Yayoi'?,then FUCK no!",Agito answered."Dude come on,you know Yayoi is in love with you (crazy in love),and I bet Yayoi is at your house right now.",Ikki said,sounding desperate."No she's not",Agito responded."Agito,who are you talking to on the phone?",a certain female voice that came from Agito's house."SEE YOU LITTLE LIAR!",Ikki screamed.During the screaming,Ikki's angel that was cuddling his chest,sleeping,woke up."Ikki who are you on the phone with?",Ringo asked,still cuddling Ikki while keeping her eyes closed."EH?!,your awake Ringo?!",Ikki asked startled."I just woke up from your screaming",Ringo responded."FUCK! DON'T START IGNORING ME AND START TALKING TO YOUR GIRL-",Agito yelled,before Ikki hung-up.

*After 15 minutes of Ikki apologizing for waking Ringo up*

"Ikki,I said it was okay,waking up just gives me more time to hang out with you",Ringo said."OK then....",Ikki responded sadly."Ikki,if I give you kiss,would you stop being sad?",Ringo asked."Maybe",Ikki responded.After a quick kiss,Ikki started feeling alot better."Ringo,do you wanna go to the park for oour date?",Ikki asked,remembering that he gave his reservation to Agito.Just when Ringo was about to respond,a sniper shot through a window and the bullet almost hit Ikki."WHAT THE FUCK!",Ikki screamed.After putting on his A-T's Ikki picked up Ringo bridal style and made sure the ring was still in his pocket,and jumped out the window."Ikki did the bullet touch you?",Ringo asked sounding worried."Almost,but don't worry about me,are you hurt?",Ikki asked."No I'm okay",Ringo responded.After a while of riding they stopped at Rika's house and knocked on the door."Rika-nee! Open the door!",Ikki shouted while knocking on the door."Ikki,I don't think they're home",Ringo said."Damn it,I guess we'll have to stay at the Kogarasumaru hideout."Ikki said.After a while of riding and carrying Ringo,Ikki finally made it to the Hideout."Thank you Ikki",Ringo said out of no where."For what?",Ikki asked."For protecting me..... again.",Ringo said while sitting down in a corner."I don't need you to thank me",Ikki responded."I know but I always feel like I'm always holding you back",Ringo said starting to cry.Just when a tear came out her eye,Ikki held her and sat down,as well putting her head on his shoulder."No matter what,your never holding me back,for a matter of a fact,your the one that pushes me forward everyday",Ikki said."How?",Ringo asked,still crying on his shoulder."Loving me more then anything else",Ikki responded."You know.... loving a thorn hurts",Ringo said referring to being the former thorn queen."I know,but if you love that thorn alot,you can ignore all the pain",Ikki responded."Ikki......",Ringo said before falling asleep on Ikki's shoulder."Sleep well... my queen",Ikki said after kissing Ringo's forehead and asleep himself.

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