The Royal Guards of Canterlot that protect Princess Celestia and Luna, are brave but not as strong as they think they really are. A sunny day, so peaceful, so quiet, great to be in the season of summer. One hot afternoon, Princess Celestia put scrolls from one shelf to the next, as exhausted as she thought she would be. Being a princess, indeed, was a lot of work. Governing and protecting Equestria from threat. The four princesses of equestria: Twilight Sparkle, Cadence, Celestia, and Luna, protected equestria from threat or any invasion. But it was up to one flight team to protect them all.
In the everfree forest, things are a brewing. A place where animals take care of themselves, clouds move on their own, it's a strand place for a pony to go in. Rainbow dash even tried to scare her friends once saying that it was the most spookiest place in Equestria. In the depths lay the ruins of the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters, even the dark flight team: The Shadowbolts. While Ponyville lay outside of that forest. Good thing the ponies were safe, none were threaten by any villain or demon.
In the Wonderbolts HQ, things were normal, the team was absolutely tired of performances. Always being chased by fanmares and colts who were dying to take a photo with one of them who were absolutely excited .It was a good thing thing that entered safe from obsessive fanponies. Spitfire,as usually stamped posters, and did a lot of the paper work. While Soarin-Blazer Skies, co- captain of the wonderbolts, took a break from morning's paperwork. The rest of the team, as lazy as they can be. No hard work for them, just protecting Equestria from threat and patrolling the lands for any signs of invasion or threat once a year.
"I'm so bored there's nothing to do in here", somebody groaned loudly. It wasn't Spitfire or Soarin, who was it? Hope it wasn't somepony or something lurking, like a dark shadow. Turns out, there's nothing to be afraid of, nothing threatening. Every thing full of life and happiness in Equestria.
In Saddle Arabia, a threat is being plotted by the Duchess of Saddle Arabia. Equestria had indeed fine treasures to trade for, had lots of gold to make bits. Was this the treasure they were after? The Cultan of Saddle Arabia was indeed greedy for it, full of spite, he would take anything or spend his own bits on it to make a profit; he was indeed a greedy hateful stallion. He had imprisoned Thundershine, an original wonderbolt there in a jail cell for about 10 years straight. She had to find a way to escape, will she ever escape?
In the cell, she twisted and pulled with all her might to let lose of the metal chains, but it was no use. A prison guard always stood in front of her cell, laughing and pointing at her. She would instantly cry at what he had done to her when he ever did an action like that. Her coat was full of blood, leaking from head to hoof, all over her body bed because s whipped 15 times since life time in imprisonment. She hoped her nephew was okay, if he was. Thunder dragged herself onto the wall and instantly rested onto the cold stoned wall. Inside cells of the Arabian castle, she was always freezing not getting enough warmth. While at it, Thundershine tried one more time, but it was no use.
Back in her days as a wonderbolt, she was extremely brave, and always stranded up for her friends and fellow teammates whenever they needed her too. But those days are gone now, her fellow teammates gone for good after an intense battle with one of the Cultan' s guards and soldiers. She fought her hardest, saving one of her teammates, while the rest of them were killed.
"GUYS, WHERE ARE YOU?!", She shouted loudly crying in the middle of nowhere. Not a sound was made, one of her hooves was cut, blood leaking out still. She couldn't even move her own body. She still had those visions of her teammates dying in front of her, before her eyes. But still she hopes to find an escape. Even realizing the plot, one of the Arabian s were planning, she had to tell Soarin this, she had to.
"Let me out of these chains, YOU BASTARD", sticking her tongue out at the guard.
"No way I'm letting you out of there, missy", said the bat pony.
" I can't wait to mess with your little friends when they get here in a few weeks". She trotted off with no explanation why, where she was going, not a chance.
"What was happening,I might of had a vision", Soarin cried feeling a bit scared. He hadn't realized that his aunt had been gone for years. She never returned. Where could she be? Soarin didn't know about his aunt being in danger, til after he woke up having a vision about her. He wondered. Why do I have these nightmares, why?. There was an explanation, but he didn't know what it was. Someone was indeed going to threaten Equestria, but who?. He thought about it walking in circles like he was about to make some kind of hole in his room.
The door then knocks" Who is it", Soarin grumbled shaking. He shuddered as if he were seeing a demon or monster, or ghoul. He shuddered when he heard the door open, cccccccreak. There stood Captain Spitfire, his captain and fellow friend. She stood there with a concerned eye, Spit stared at her brother worriedly. "Hey, you can tell me what's going on with you today?" She put a hoof around him in a hug comforting him gently. "You see, I have been having nightmares about Auntie Thundershine".
"Wait, your saying Thundershine, as in the Thundershine, the original wonderbolt of the original team?" "Yes, that's what I'm saying".
"Tell me more". "Okay, but first I need to show you something Spit". Soarin grabbed a piece of paper that said this and showed it to his sister.
Dear Soarin,
I"m sorry I have left you, it's just that I am in Saddle Arabia trapped in a cold-stoned prison cell. The weather there is absolutely hot and the heat drives me crazy. It's so hot, that I asked one of the guards to give me a bucket of water to cool off with. But he just laughed, and walked away leaving me all hot and dehydrated. I am writing to you because I love you and I miss you dearly. Your dad is really worried for me, since i am stuck there. Please say hi to him for me. I tried hard to escape from the chains, but it was no use,they locked it in real tight. I don't know how long I might last, but please save me before it's too late, please.
Thundershine Skies
"Wow Auntie sure is in bad condition". Spit looked at the letter again.
"She is, I'm really worried for her. No wonder I was having those visions". Soarin cried tears, which went from his face to legs. "I...........miss her too Soar. She was one of the best aunts I've ever had and I mean it. Ever since we were young, she would take us places that were really exciting. She was also an expert teacher at flying". Spitfire cried even harder when she heard about the horror of the aunt. Thundershine was defiantly an expert teacher at flying, a good relative, had a generous heart, and a loyal personality. They didn't realized that they left a window open, and BONK, something hit Spit on the head.
"Ow, what was that-". She was cut off by a letter with Celestia's royal seal. Spit unfolded the letter with her hooves and read it to herself and then turned to Soarin. "Princess Celestia needs us and the others at Canterlot at once". Together they went out of the room and rushed into the hall to alert the others of the news.
A Mysterious Explosion-a Wonderbolt Fanfiction
Teen FictionA mysterious explosion has been made in equestria, no pony knows who caused it.,but it seems it is a major threat. Contacted by Princess Celestia, they rush to the castle to discover the mysterious explosion. The wonderbolts are determined to solve...