Prologue: Rough Start

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There were times when I could just gaze into his eyes and transport myself into a whole new universe.

He didn't like when I did that, but I couldn't help myself. 

It made him shy, but he was cute when he was shy. 

I loved him. I love him. I adore him. I can't be without him. 

But he can't be with me.

Scratch that 

He shouldn't be seen with me. 

At least that's what everyone around us believes. 


I've been exposed.

I've been exposed to the wonders of the world. To the wonders of art. To the wonders of family. And to the wonders of love. 

His name was Kingsley.

Kingsley has showed me a type of love that I've only read in story books and saw in movies. 

He cooked for me. He talked to me. He laughed with me. He laughed at me. He helped me. And he loved me, more than I could ever imagine.


"Babe wake up. You're gonna be late." I whispered into King's ear as I shook his arm.

"Give me 5 more minutes Phoenix. Please." He replied.

"You said that 5 minutes ago King. Now get up or else I'll rip off these covers and you'll be lying in bed cold as hell!" 

He grunted and slowly dragged his beautifully sculpted body out of our bed. 

"Why are you so mean to me Phoenix? I just wanted to catch up on some sleep. I'm not hurting anybody here." King said as he walked to the bathroom.

"I'm not trying to be mean babe, but you gotta help me here. The last time I let you sleep in and left, you were 3 hours late to work. That can't happen again. I want us to be happy, and for us to do that, we need to have a roof over our heads. And to do that, we need money. So it would really make me happy if you could speed up a little bit babe so that we can leave early or at least on time." 

King stepped out of our bathroom and started making his way back to me. He stood in front of me a pecked my forehead before he quickly walked to the closet to figure out what he was going to wear today. 

"I'll do whatever it take to make my man happy, and if that means waking up early, I'll do it!" King yells. 

I let out a giggle before making my way to the kitchen. I pull 4 Ego waffles out of the freezer and pop them into the toaster. King then walks in a snakes his arms around my waist before giving me a peck on the cheek.

"I love you." King says.

"I love you too babe." 

I turn around give him a real kiss.

"I hope you weren't planning on leaving this apartment without giving me a proper kiss King. You know how I get when you only give me pecks all day. It's cute at first, but then it gets annoying as hell." 

"I know Phoenix. It's just fun to see you annoyed." He put his finger inbetween my eyebrows, "You scruch your eyebrows up and give me the cutest little pout. It's adorable."

I give him a little shove and turn back to take out the waffles. I put them on a plate and smother them in syrup before setting them infront of King.

"How do you eat that babe? It's literally a plate of diabetes." 

"I go to the gym to work it all off don't I?"

I shrugged and cleaned up the little mess I made and went back to the bedroom to grab our bags for work. By the time I came back out, King had already finished eating and was cleaning his plate.

One day my man in going to choke and I'm not gonna have a clue what to do.

"What the hell King? I was gone for 30 seconds."

"I was hungry babe. Chill out."

I shake my head and hand him his bag and we head out.


"Anything fun or new happen at work Phoenix?" King asked as we started driving.

"No nothing really. I do have to accompany Mr. Kheller to a business meeting this afternoon, but besides that, I don't think there's anything."

King gives me a sudden but noticable glare when I mention Mr. Kheller.

"What King?"

"You know what."

"He's my boss babe! He doesn't have a crush on me!"

"How are you not able to notice it? When you had that company dinner he was constantly looking at you and not in any normal way. Babe?! He likes you and I don't like you having to accompany him wherever he goes!"

"Well, if you've forgotten King, I am his assisstant. It is literally my job to follow him everywhere. So unless you have an alternative job waiting for me somewhere, I am sticking with Mr. Kheller. Besides even if he is as obvious as you say he is, then I wouldn't mind the public attention that I'm not getting from someone else."

King suddenly goes quiet.

"Oh my God babe I'm so sorry! That was a really low blow! I didn't mean it, I was just getting frustrated with this conversation. We've talked about it so many times before and I'm just sick of hearing it again." I whine.

"You could've just asked me to change the subject Phoenix, you didn't have to bring that up. I thought you were ok with us not going public. I told you that my family would not be comfortable with us being together, and you said that you didn't care about that. Were you lying to me?" King asks.

"No! Of course I wasn't lying to you! I don't care if we go public babe, I just want to know and feel that you love me, and I do! I really do!" 

The rest of the car ride is plagued with silence and it makes me uncomfortable. We pull up to the front of my building and I grab my bag from the back seat. I turn to look at King and give him a kiss.

"I love you babe. Please forget about what I said. I was just upset. I'll see you when I get home and I'll make it up to you." 

I give King a smile before opening the car door. As I am about to step into the building, King honks his horn to grab my attention. 

"I love you too Phoenix. Have a good day." He says loudly when I turn around. 

I smile back and turn to walk into my building.

Let's see if anything interesting happens today.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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