Part One: Where the Blue Jay Goes

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Prologue :
Sometimes if you look close at someone...deep down inside, you'll find a cage. It is said in this cage you'll find out who they really are. Their hopes and dreams...fears and nightmares.
My fear was to never be able feel the chill of winter, with Jack Frost nipping at my nose. The scorch of the summer sun, and flowers dancing in the wind. My dream was to see my family again...and get to hear their voice play on a continuous loop in my ear. I wanted to get up and fight, but what was the point? I was malnourished, weak, brittle, and frail to the touch. A feather could take me down if it could.
Three beatings a day instead of meals and two medical check ups per beating. They gave me a book to read to make sure I was literate , and after each chapter there was a test. I scored well on each one which was the grace of God. I usually failed the math portion and was punished for my lack of comprehension and mathematical expertise. I was chained to a cement wall in a cement room and had no clue where I was. I only knew I was here and was put through utter hell You maybe wondering, "How did you get there...who abducted you and why?"
Soon you'll learn about the sadistic assholes who kidnapped me in an attempt to break the fabric of my being. Soon you'll know how their operation works and the thousands of people they've killed.
My name is Nyla Lockheart and I'm sixteen years old. Soon...very soon you will know my story and what needed me for.


"Nyla Shay get up girl!", my mom screamed accompanied by the constant ring of my alarm. I threw my pillow at the door only for it to come back with much more force.
This is a daily routine to waking me up for school and I hated it.

I could barely see due to the beaming sunlight blasting from my window. I put my hand in front of  my eyes protecting them from rays invading my room. Pulling off my covers I turned to pull out my glasses and soon as I put something pounce on me as if it was attacking. Smacking my head and jumping on my body.

"Mom said wake up Nyyyyllla", said a familiar voice in the Lockheart household. An almost annoying one.

Meet Caden Butch Lockheart or as I call him "The Dread Toddler". He was my only sibling and a persistent virus in my life, but I loved him to death. Caden was a very active child to say the most. Always playing and horsing around like the typical five year old child.

"Boy...get off of me", I grunted as I pushed him of my bed onto the floor.
He started to squirm like a worm in water. He hopped up like a rabbit and stared me in the face.
"Hey, come on we're going to be late" he screamed. He jumped out of my bed and hurried down the stairs.
I slid out of my covers and put on my furry pink house shoes and grey sweater. Outside my window a Blue Jay landed on the window seal and stared at me. It pecked at the window as if it wanted me to let it in. As soon as I got to my window I heard the ring of our doorbell downstairs.
    The little bird was still tapping my window...constantly. I just ignored it and ran down stairs. I walked into the kitchen only to smell the aroma of my mothers breakfast special: sausages, eggs, toasts,hash browns, and orange juice.
"What was taking you so you're going to a have rush and eat",  she nagged.
"Well, there was this crazy Blue Jay knocking on my window and wanted to give him company", I remarked sarcastically.
    I grabbed a piece of toast and flew up stairs to get dressed. After that I ran down stairs grabbed Caden a left out.
That day was humid and foggy day. You could almost taste the moisture in the air, and the fog was so thick you couldn't see anything in front of you as you walked. I looked over to my left and pulled Caden close, he looked cold. We arrived at his stop and waited on his bus.
Across the street, in the thickness of the fog, I noticed a Uhaul moving truck parked in front of what used to be a girl named Lilly Knowles house.
For some reason they were tearing the yellow police tape of of the door. It was a tall woman and two huge guys dressed in ebony colored suits. I wonder what they were doing in there. No one's been in that since what happened to Lilly, so what made these people want to in.
A few minutes later Cadens bus arrived...he jumped up and gave me a hug. Watching him get on the bus I looked up and saw Mrs.Porter my old bus driver wave at me.
"Hey Mrs.Porter", I said
"Hi Nyla, How's high school?" she asked.
"Manageable" I remarked.
"I wouldn't expect any less from you dear. You have a nice day sweetie" she said smiling.
Soon as the bus past in front of me I watched the people move around inside Lilly's house. They were a carrying a large wooden box and all you could hear is the muffled screams of the lady inside the house. I chuckled as she yelled at the two men and continued walking. A car shot by blowing a gust of wind in my face. Regaining my sight looked back up and saw the lady walking up to me. I stumbled back and fell down onto the lush grass.
"Why are you staring in my window...shouldn't you be in school?" she questioned. She had on a black fur coat with leopard print on it, some lace trim up her leg, red heels, and some dark red lipstick on. Her skin was a beautiful shade of chocolate and her afro was humongous.
    "I'm sorry miss, I was...uhhh...wondering where you got that coat?" I said still laying in the grass. She held out her hand. When I saw her nails they looked liked talons. Sharper than kitchen knives. I reached out and grabbed her wrist.
"I got it from a friend, now go to school before you're late" she commanded looking me up and down.
I turned around and rushed down the block to school. I clenched my backpack straps and looked behind me. Her and the two men that she was with watched me pace down the block.
I finally made it to school...still pondering the thought of what was in the black box? The first bell rang and shot down the hallway...if you were near me you could feel a trail of wind slap you in the face.
As I frantically walked down the hallway I felt something grabbed the back of my book bag.
"Why are you late"?
I already knew who the hell it was...I noticed his scruffy voice.
"Good morning Principle Dawson", I said nervously.
    I already knew where I was going, so I headed there. In school suspension had the most awkward teenagers on this planet.
    All the kids in there were staring at me. I hurried and sat down.
    Looking around I saw this girl looking at me from the back of the room. She lifted up her hand and tossed a paper my way. Why would she do that? What was in the paper.
    "Stop throwing paper in here!" the ISS teacher commanded.
I grabbed the paper and opened it.
    "Where did the Blue Jay go"?
I looked back and she was did she know about that?

How do you think the girl knew about the Blue Jay, and what does it mean?

Find out soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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