Changing homes:

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One morning in the town of Portsview,Texas. Annie Evens opened her eyes to a dark and cloudy morning to drag herself into the bathroom, when she gest to the bathroom she added dark masquara and a light touch of eye liner, when Annie was done she walked to her dresser to find something dark and simple, so she slipped on a dark green T-shirt and her old ripped up pair of dark denim jeans, when she headed down stairs she found her dad passed out on the couch with a bottle of vodica in his hand but when Annie tried to wake up him up she heard her mother walk thought the door while counting money, Mother? "Where where did you get that? Like I am really going to tell you GIRL! Her mother said in a snapping tone. so while her mother was counting the money Annie went to the kitchen to grab some breakfast but while she as eating she heard some talk that sounded like a person like she never met before so she assumed that he was here visiting her mom but instead of ignoring them like she does she took a quick peek and to find an older man with gray hair,he was dressed in a nice black suit with long black pants and old Jacket, with him holding an old scull like cane made out of glass. but what came to annies mind was why he was he here? and what did he need? when annie tried to slip away she was spotted, "And just  where do you think you going my dear? He said with a small grin' "well first of all may I ask what is your name? asked with her mouth sounding dry, "Mephistopheles" may I presume. and mine is....'Annie Evens I know who you are since annie was cut off with a confused look on her face, as annie was still in her dream like mode, her mother and the old man were talking when all of a sudden Annie was startled by the noise of some boots walking towards them when but when Annie turned to face her mother there stood a young looking handsome man with jet black hair and a blackish brown boots, he also wore a leather vest and covering it was a long black coat that hung by the feet, and his eyes are a dark blue. when Annie was staring at the young man she heard the older "Annie I would like you to meet my son "Blackheart." when Annie looked up to see him face to face Annie got butterflies in her stomach, until she felt a cold hand on her shoulder when she looked and saw blackheart right next to her,  she hoped that her father would wake up and have a saying in what was going on but he still layed there frozen on the couch passed out. while Annie was done starring at her dad she saw her mother talking to the old man with the younger looking man sitting in the couch and a relax state, when Annie looked back at her mom she was still talking as she looked over at the young man she saw that he was looking at her while giveing her an evil grin, she then knew that since he was close to her mom and the older man she could guess that he could hear part of the conversation, which meant for annie it wasnt going to end well. When her mom got done talking to the older man she found that her suitcase was in the young man's hand. and she then made her conclution that she was never coming back home again.

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