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As I'm cleaning my room I look out my window to see dark black and green clouds ruling over the sky and the wind starts to pick up. Suddenly rain pats hard against my window I see a squirrel dash across my yard. my dads at work so I ask my mom if the tornado shelter is cleaned out she replies "no there's not gonna be a tornado". The wind picks up more fierce this time and hail golf ball size hits my window making a crack. Scared I throw some socks and shoes on and my chargers, phone, and iPad into my purse. Lighting strikes the tree in our front yard and thunder cracks across the sky harshly shaking are house. I turn my tv on to blur out the noise of the storm when I turn on my tv the national weather service says that there's an F5 tornado coming towards my town and its heading up the highway we live on the highway so I grabbed my stuff and went to the tornado shelter my mom was passed out on the couch and my brother was at work also. I tried to wake up my mom but she wouldn't wake up I tried shaking her again but the tornado sirens started going off. I threw a few pillows and blankets on her. As I was walking out the door to get to the shelter I passed our kitten we have I scooped her up and went to the shelter I sat in the shelter for a few minutes watching the news on my iPad when I heard the sound of 5 freight trains the electric went out I turned the light on my iPad on and lay on the floor covering my head and body with some cushions from the couch in the shelter followed by two blankets I lay on the ground for at least fifteen minutes with our kitten under my arm I lay there crying and worrying the kitten starts to lick me which made me giggle a bit I looked down to see a text from my normally not very caring brother asking if I was in the shelter with mom I texted back no not being able to see very well with my blurry vision from all the tears. He sent me a text back asking why i told him I was in the shelter but mom wasn't he asked why again I told him about her being passed out on the couch he told me it'll be ok just stay in the shelter and the tornado will be gone in a second after I read that text the sound got louder and through the little crack I could see tons of debree but it looked small I could still hear the freight train sound

Then it clicked I was being picked up by the tornado. The shelter was still shaking I grabbed the cat cuddled It and sobbed I prayed for at least 5 minutes when finally I hit the ground hard. I lay there for a few seconds trying to process what happend. Am I alive I thought to my self am I hurt? I stood up bruised, scratched, and very wobbly. Trying to catch my balance I grabbed the kitten who was crammed in a corner and scared to death. Suddenly the door opened it was my brother and my dad. Then the hot tears came rolling down my face my brother grabbed me and gave me a hug my dad joined in. Holding the kitten in a small stuffed animal carrier I had when I was little we hopped in the car I explained the whole thing to my dad he replied to the whole thing with I know honey your moms in the hospital she's gonna be fine. What I didn't tell my dad was I was picked up by the tornado. Just thinking about it made tears fall down my cheeks. My brother asked why I was crying again he told me it was ok were gonna be fine. It all came out I told them both about the tornado picking me up. I got a sick feeling inside of me. My dad shocked said well are you ok? I replied back yes but it was scary. My brother told me that next tornado he's stay home with me and my dad said he would try too but he works so far away it may not be safe for him to drive home. I had never seen my brother be so caring. As we drove through the now dark from the storm clouds and very destroyed town we all sat quietly. When we arrived at the hospital there were tons of people everywhere. When we got in we asked a doctor what we needed to do with are kitten that was in a carrier. Dr James told us we could bring her in and then he directed us to moms room. When we got in there she was sound asleep. That was until my brother accidentally slammed the door. The three of us kinda giggled Haha. My mom sat up bruised and an IV in her arm she looked at me and smiled at me she spoke softly you saved my life. I spoke with a scratchy voice back to her (from all the tears) what I did? But how? She looked at me you threw pillows and blankets on me which saved my life your a real hero. I'm glad your my daughter. I smiled so how long do you have to be here? I asked. Only tonight she told me. My dad said we better let her rest. So we did we told her good bye and that we loved her and we will see her in the morning. When we got in the car I asked my brother and dad how they'd known where I was. They both replied back with something about the text I had sent my brother. Then it clicked to me I asked dad where we were sleeping tonight? He said well duh blondie at our oh... He said ok your each gonna get a job k Jacob call your grandmother and ask her if we can stay with them Emily you and I are gonna gather up anything that isn't ruined and belongs to us as I was going through the rummage I found my Vera Bradley bag still in good shape and my brothers dresser was flipped backwards and so was mine so are clothes were still usable I opened the Drawer on my brothers dresser to find a duffle bag I crammed clothes in the duffle bag and took it to the car along with my vera Bradley bag and I found my flute and my brothers saxophone and they were both looking really good too. I took our instruments and some other things to the car. My brother told me his IPad should be in his dresser I ran to his dresser almost tripping over some things. I grabbed his iPad. Then my dad said we should go he had a fire proof safe in his hand. I nodded my head. When we got to my grandmas she hugged us all and told us we could stay as long as we needed. by then it was at least 9 o'clock so we turned on the news there were stories all over the news about my town! The next morning was rough I sent a couple of my friends texts asking if they were ok most were but my best friend was not, her mother was killed and her father was in the ICU and only had an estimated 48 hours to live. I asked my dad if she could come stay with us but he wasn't sure because we had a lot to get done. My grandma who is a very kind hearted women reassured my dad that it was the right the to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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