the start

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Scott was a manipulative jerk who only cared for himself, Dawn was a kind, helpful person always thinking of others, these people didn't really mix, but today they didn't have a choice. It was history and it was a project, they normally got to choose who to work with but there usual teacher's broken her leg so their stuck with a sub. "now everyone move next to your partner" the teacher instructed them, Scott didn't move, Dawn didn't either until someone wanted to sit where she was. Reluctantly she got up, she knew what Scott was like, she'd never actually talked to him but she had heard enough to make her cringe. She sat down and sighed knowing that Scott would take no part in the project, she might as well work with a monkey, it would be better than working with him.

"so" Dawn broke the silence between the two, still feeling uncomfortable.

"so" Scott said ignorantly folding his arms and slouching more than he already was. Dawn sighed again and got some paper and started working on 'how slaves were treated in 17-something' Dawn was passionate about this topic, so she knew she was going to do well.

"Dawn?" The teacher asked "is Scott helping with that?" She obviously noticed Scott just sitting there, messing around with his pencil.

"yes, he's just..." Dawn didn't want him to help but she couldn't think of anything believable.

"not doing anything" Scott smirked proudly.

"ok well if Scott isn't going to work in class then you'll both have to work after" Dawn mouthed dropped open, she had never had to stay behind after class "at least then Scott won't have any distractions" She looked at Courtney, his ex, news got round quicker than Scott thought  judging by his look. Dawn only heard rumours of what Scott did to Courtney to make her brake up with him, and she didn't like anyone of them.


The classes zoomed by after that, you know what they say time flys when your having fun but now it was time for the not so fun part. The project. When Dawn arrived no one was there, She got the piece of work that she was working on and sat down "oh what a surprise" the blonde haired girl said sarcastically, thinking that Scott had forgotten.

"excuse me what was that?" Scott was came from behind the door as if he was waiting for Dawn to say that, just so he could say his 'clever' response, Dawn didn't answer his question "I believe I asked you something" he took a seat next to Dawn who was still not answering "come on what did you say?" he carried on "tell me, tell me, tell me" he got right up in Dawn's face so that they were staring each other in the eyes, Dawn felt her face become red as she felt his breath against her mouth "are you going to answer me or not?"

Dawn slapped him across the face "oh no, I'm so sorry" She said as Scott held his hand to his cheek, instantly regretting her act of anger, at first the aura reader didn't hear anything but then she heard tiny sobs, was Scott crying? Did she really hit him that hard? No, he was laughing, laughing like a mad man.

"wow, I didn't know you had it in you" he smiled marking Dawn angrier "I have been hit harder but it was good" Scott continued. it was good? I was supposed to make him feel hurt. Dawn thought to herself feling the anger boil inside her.

Suddenly Dawn came up with a brilliant comeback "yeah I know who you're talking about, Courtney isn't it?" Scott was speechless, for a change.

"let's just get on with this stupid project" Scott got a pen and turned to the sheet of paper that had their work on, Dawn looked into his aura, he usually kept it guarded but not now, he wasn't sad, he was just offended.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said that" Dawn apologized, Scott didn't reply, he was obviously giving her the silent treatment.

Their 'teacher' came through the door 5 minutes late "ahh good your already started, and I'm surprised you even showed up"  she aimed the last part at Scott, Dawn felt sorry for Scott, everyone thought bad things about him, even she did but it was his own fault for letting people see him as an unconsiderate rebel.


"ok, I've got to go now" The teacher stood up and put her coat on "I trust you two can sort yourselves out" she quickly picked up her bag and walked out of the door. It was only a couple of more minutes before they finished anyway and it wasn't a major loss.

"done" Dawn picked up the poster and held it infront of them "what do you think?" Dawn asked Scott, he didn't answer "I asked you a question" Scott's eyes were still focused on the poster "please answer me" Dawn tried begging to see if that worked. Nope. "Why won't you answer me Scott" Dawn shouted and turned Scott's head with her hands, forcing him to look at her.

He was smiling, then he started chuckling slightly "I was seeing how long you could last" Scott said "it's good" he added, Dawn tilted her head in confusion "the poster" he pointed infront of him, for some strange reason Dawn felt herself laughing, she hadn't laughed like that in a long time and it was Scott who made it happen.

"are all those things people said about you true, Scott?" Dawn asked after she had finished laughing.

"I'll let you figure that out for yourself" Scott answered, Dawn was lost in Scott's dark mysterious eyes, it was strange, what Dawn felt for Scott was unlike anything she had ever felt before, she was angry with him yet she couldn't stop enjoying her time with him even if was the first proper time talking to him.

"why can't you just give me a straight answer?" the blonde haired girl sighed.

"where's the fun in that" Scott smiled deviously sending chills down Dawn's spine, Dawn's mouth became dry and she suddenly felt herself becoming red.

"well, I better get going, my mum will be worried" Dawn got up and headed for the door but before she could get out someone grabbed her hand and pulled her in to him so they only had a couple of inches between them.

There was a moment of silence before Scott smashed his lips against Dawn's, the aura reader was shocked by the sudden display of affection but quickly got used to it and started kissing him back, it was like nothing she had ever felt before, she wanted to pull away and run as fast as she could but deep down a part of her wanted this too, finally they broke apart "you forgot your bag" Scott offered the bag, Dawn snatched it away and ran through the door, she ran out of the school and she kept running, thinking the same thing over and over 'why?' a part of her refused to believe that Scott was just a guy whose hobbies include braking young girls hearts and doing other stuff to them, but she knew that he was better than that.

"Dawn your tea's on the table" Her mum told her as she walked through the door, Dawn couldn't answer she ws too busy catching her breath, it's not like her mum would care anyway, she's too caught about her knew boyfriend, Richard, Richard's nice and he's definatly father material but there's just something missing about him, just not like her actual father but she can't do anything about it.

After Dawn had finished eating she went into thte living room where her mum sat talking on the phone, she signalled to her mum that she was going to go upstairs and she just nodded in reply, Dawn went into the bathroom and got her toothbrush, she had to wipe the taste of Scott's sweet cinamon mouth off of her's.

started out with a kiss (dott fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now