Kelly the Shooter

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Beeping. Thats all I heard. Beeping. My lungs hurt and my abdomen felt like it was on fire. My left eye stung. Opening my eyes I saw a white ceiling instead of a wooden one. 

'Where am I?' 

Was all I could think of. I tried sitting up but I was in so much pain. Which made me scream in agony. Resulting with a nurse coming to my aid. Where's mom? Where's Alex? Where's Jacinda? Is what I asked all the nurses which made them give a look of pity. 

'What had happen.'

We just got Jacinda back from the hospital, went to the woods and had a small vacation. What had happen?

A man with a clean cut and greasy hair came in and sat beside me. He asked me questions. Like If I remembered anything. Like the hell i did! I don't even know why I am here! 

Another look of pity came my way. What happened!

"I'm sorry're family is dead." 

What? I couldn't believe my ears. 

What did he just say? It couldn't be true. It just couldn't be. There was no way! He was lying! This was a sick joke!

"Why are you lying to me!" I asked.

"I'm not. I'm sorry Kid." 

I looked to my side and saw he had laid his gun down. I took it and immediately fired.


It's been years since then. 

I realized one still lived. And I knew she had all the answers I wanted. My sister Jacinda....Also known as Fear. 

I moved state to state to find her. Her Friend, that was also mine also dissappeared not to long ago. Her parents dead and their hearts ripped out. 

I wanted to know why this was all happening. Why was she still alive....What the Hell happened that night that I lost all my family and became unpure. I only hunted evil men anyways....I was a hero... right? I was ridding the world from the evil... From men who only thought of themselves. The men who only cared about getting into a girls pants or having money. And especially the ones who lied. I hated those the worst.  And I will end it....Then I will find my sister and hold her at gun point if I have to and get my answers...and if she lies I will have no problem Doing the horrid deed. But it might be hard. She's older than me and wiser. She might as well have gone off the deep end as of late. But at the moment I didn't care. 

        Everywhere there was a killing that had to do with hearts I'd go there and try to find her and possibly rid of some evil men. But she would already be gone. It was like  she was playiing with me. A horrid game of hide and seek. Where she would always win. Where she would laugh in my face. I have to admit I had grown apart from my dear older sister and became the popular kid at school. But why did she always be nice to me when I treated her harshly. I treated her like crap and yet she still cared for me. 

I just sat in the middle of the park. It was night and it was snowing pretty hard but I didn't care. Not since that night I killed that police officer. I immediatly escaped through an open window. And thats when I found out my sister was still alive. They never found her body. Just some blood but thats it. 

I could see my breath from the coldness of the air. Closing my eyes out of tire. 

And thats when I heard it. 

A snap.

I had my hand on my gun. Ready for anything. Two hands came in front of my eyes and thats when I immediatly panicked. I struggled and fired at the intruder. They stepped back. And what I saw Scared me just a little.

A girl with a mask. 

"Fuck....The first thing you do is shoot your big sister....Wow I love you too." She said between pained breaths. 

"Sister?" I asked. Tears pouring down my cheeks. 

"Hi....Kelley The Shooter. Ain't ya happy I made you like this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2014 ⏰

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