The woods

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I heard a loud, very loud, deafening sound outside my window. I was doing my homework and it was dark outside. I couldn't see who or what it was. "Come on!" I heard someone yell, "Climb out here!" I grabbed my flashlight and went to investegate. I ran down stairs while bricks and boards were falling out of the roof. My parents were standing outside, looking at our house, which was now in smithereens. I saw sorrow in my mother's face. I watched a tear leak out of my father's eye. This was the house that had been passed on, first my great-great-great-great grandfather, then down to us. It was gone. I heard the voice calling out again. "We found it!" I heard Jonas's voice, and saw Jackson holding up a small piece of the bomb that had busted our house. I yelled in anger. "I knew it! It was the rationals trying to kill us again! I knew it!" I sobbed. Then Jerome's mother came. She leapt out of her car. She sprinted towards us. "Oh! Are you kids okay? Are you hurt?" she asked, "No, but we found this." I replied and pointed to Jackson, who was holding up the bomb. She took us to her house and we had pizza and played FortNite. I looked at Jonas. His pizza was half hanging out of his mouth. Ew. Gross. Disgusting. After a while, my parents came and we had a proper dinner at the dinner table. My parents and I stayed the night at Jerome's house in the guest room.

It was the next day and it was time to go to school. "I can't wear this!" I shrieked. I stared at the sweatpants and oversized t-shirt Jake had left for me. All of my clothes burned with the house, so I had absolutely nothing. "Moooom!" I wailed. She came in and said "You have to wear this," "But-" I interrupted. "No buts. You are wearing this." She proceeded. "Well,"... I thought. "I'm sure Jake won't mind if I spice up this outfit a little." I took a pair of scissors and made the ugly blue and brown t-shirt into a fringed crop top. "Perfect!" And I left for school.
The school bus drove up to our school and I saw soldiers wearing green suits marching into our school. I felt a wave of panic flow over me like a hurricane rushing over a crowd on the beach. It washed away all of my thoughts and left my face a pale white colour. I slowly walked out of the bus and went to class. All day, there was at least one soldier outside every classroom, sometimes up to ten. Finally, at the end of our day, the soldiers came into our classroom and said sternly "Evacuate. Now." Everyone was panicking and buzzing around the room, grabbing their stuff. But, being the stubborn girl that I am, I sassily replied "Why? Why do you rationals get to go around this town of
unnaturals bossing us around and telling us to go here, go there, do this, do that? Huh?" The soldier stood up and walked up to me. "Unnaturals don't have rights, and that includes you. Get out with the rest of the group." He scolded.
At the end of the school day, I rode the bus to Jerome's place. I layed in bed, wondering what would happen. I couldn't face the consequences. I got out of bed and went to my backpack. I took everything out. First the math test that we took last week. It had a

big fat F written on the top. I set it aside. Next, I took out the half finished reading pamphlet that was due yesterday. Then I got to the last pencil. I took it out too. I looked in the dresser and saw that there were two pairs of brand new skinny jeans and two brand new long sleeved shirts, just for me. My mom must've bought them today. I put them in my bag and went downstairs. "Hi! Where ya going?" My dad asked. "Oh, to a friend's house." I replied, and grabbed four granola bars and my Hydro Flask filled with water. I loaded them into my bag and went off. I went out the door and kept walking until I was all alone. I kept going. It was getting cold, and I didn't bring a blanket. "Great," I thought out loud, "I am stuck without a blanket for the night and not enough food." Then I tried being optimistic. "But actually great because I am away from stress, school, boys, and parents!" I put on all my shirts at once and bundled up in layers. Then, I found a thicket of moss and laid down for the night, not thinking that I would worry my parents, friends, or teachers.
I woke up in the morning and I felt the warm summer breeze on my face. I opened my eyes and there was something in my face. It was grey and hairy. It had big green eyes that felt that they stared through all my imperfections. It only saw good in me. I screamed.
It stayed right in front of me. "Go away! What do you want?" It stayed there. I got up and looked it in the eye and it said in an elderly man's voice "You're running away. You're running away from home. You want to see more of the world, no that's not it. You want to... get away from reality." "Wow. How did you know?" Then he darted off. I walked
further into the woods and came to a large open space. It was surrounded by boulders. The opening closed and the boulders started caving in. What was happening? They got so close

that it made me claustrophobic. "Let me out!" I screamed. I climbed up the side but it kept pulling me down. Finally I stood still I closed my eyes and cried. The boulders loosened. The opening opened again and let me out. I saw the hairy grey old man out of the corner of my eye. I ran as fast as I could and pummeled him to the ground. "You must be patient, calm, see the good in the world." He said in his croaky old man voice. "That sounds like some yoga, peace woosha woosha. Yuck." I said then added "Maybe I don't need your help." And walked away.
I walked straight into a bear. "You know what bear? This day is going great. First this weirdo man is in my face, then I get trapped in boulders, and then I get all close and personal in a bear's face?" I said sarcastically and angrily. "Actually, I know how you feel. I might be a bear, but I know!" "A talking bear. Am I going crazy!?" I exclaimed. The bear sounded like a teenage girl! What was going on?! "I'll walk with you if you want. Everyone is afraid of me, so you'll be protected." She said. We walked further into the woods.
I started to see some snow, and then more snow, and finally it was knee deep! I couldn't walk any longer. I laid down. I felt the snow bite at my fingers and toes. I only was only wearing sneakers. I could no longer feel my fingers or toes. Then the numbing spread to my arms and legs. I couldn't move. "Help!" I called out to the bear. "I'm coming for you!" I heard her yell back. Then I saw her dash through the snow, she grabbed me by the arms. I felt her claws scratch along my skin. I screamed in pain. She pulled me out of the snow and dragged me onto a rock, then brushed off all the snow that was on me. Then we started back down the mountain. Finally we reached a place where there was minimal snow.

I laid down and had a granola bar and offered one to the bear. "No thanks," she replied "I prefer raw meat or fish. I'll get my own, you stay here and rest." "Whatever you say." I said to her.
The day was ending and I was sick of being in the woods. "It's time for me to go home." I told the bear. "Come back soon! I will miss you dearly!" I heard her voice trailing off in the distance as I proceeded out of the woods. I passed by a horse, a deer, and a goat, but there was no sign of the old man. I was starting to worry. I left the path and went into the trees. I passed more animals and plants, but still no sign of the old man. I let out a loud sigh. Then, I heard music coming from some bushes, I went to investigate. I saw a tuft of grey hair hanging from the bush. I spread apart the leaves and saw a neighborhood, it was a peculiar little town. Everyone was doing the same thing. All the houses were the same, and all at the same time, the mothers called out "Children, supper is ready!" and all at the same time the children went inside. It was so strange. Then I saw it. The little old man. I pushed the bushes out of the way and ran into the neighborhood, I saw the man inside of one of the houses, then ran towards him. "I'm sorry!" I called out, "I think I still need your help!" The man looked at me and ran at me. "If you guess the password correctly, I will help you, but if you get it wrong, you are thrown in the quicksand. You get three chances. Go." he said. "Okay, is the password peace?" "No. You have two more chances." he replied. "Okay, Umm... Natural?" "No. You get one more chance." he said "Um... Water?" "No. The password is Mother Nature. Get in the cage." "No!" I exclaimed, then the man picked me up and put me in the cage.

I was sobbing. I couldn't get over the fact that I wasn't going to survive. It now occurred to me that my friends and family may be worried. The cage was put on a trailer and pulled behind an old rusty truck. After driving for a while on a bumpy, rickety trailer, we came to a pit of sand that looked like it was muddy and watered down a ton. The little old man walked up to me and took the cage off of the trailer, then threw me into the quicksand. After that, I felt the cage sinking into the sand. I fell all the way down, then hit the bottom. I saw the red and orange flames rise up and fill the cage. I felt my skin burning off and my soul leaving my body. It rose up and up, then above the clouds, and finally into heaven. I saw my great-great-great-great grandfather, the one who started my who family, the first owner of my house that was now ashes. I looked down to Earth. I saw Jonas, Jackson, Jake, and Jerome, all my friends. They were frantically calling everyone they know asking if someone had seen any signs of me. I looked down into the woods and saw a search and rescue team talking to my parents, they were telling them that I was gone. I watched tears run down my mother's face. I was gone

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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