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Okay so Storytime

A mom told their daughter to come up to me and ask 'will you marry me?' And i have never wanted to commit toster bath bc i had four options

1) pretend i was of the male gender and say yes

2) tell her im a female but still say yes

3) ignore her

4) tell her im a female and say no

I chose the second option.

So i told her i was a female and right after i said that she said words i wont forget anytime soon

'I know, my momma thought you were a boy but i knew you were a girl but i dont really think it matters so will you marry me?'

MY HeaRt tHis fUvkInG 5-6 yeAr oLd goT mY heArt TwOrn iN twO

I said yes her mom started laughing about the situation and apologized.

Cutting my hair has been the worst and the best thing to ever happen to me

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