An Enemy's Return

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It had been years since Cybertron had been liberated from Cyclonus and the Decepticons.

And the Autobots were currently working to establish a base on Cybertron while Bumblebee and his team were protecting Earth.

Ratchet, Wheeljack and Knock Out were currently trying to get the communications working.

"What's wrong Knock Out you've been acting kind of down lately?" Asked Wheeljack.

"I don't think Arcee and Ultra Magnus like me." The Austin Martin replied. "They always try to avoid me and don't seem to want me at any briefings every time we've had one Ultra Magnus has sent me to clean a different part of the base."

"But your a medic not a janitor." Said Wheeljack.

"Try telling Ultra Magnus that." Knock Out told him. "I don't think they trust me."

"Knock Out I'm sure that's not it." Ratchet told him. "I mean sure you used to be a Decepticon but you've come a long way since then." Ratchet said to the red sports car.

"I know but I can see why they might not want me on the team I'm trying to make up for my past but I guess some bots will never accept me." Knock Out told them sadly.

"Just this morning I heard them talking and Arcee say she thought it was a mistake letting Cons join the team and Ultra Magnus said he agreed." He added.

"That's not true Knock Out your a valuable part of this team." Ratchet told him. The red sports car nodded but they could tell he was still unconvinced.

Then they got back to work but both Ratchet and Wheeljack felt bad for Knock Out they could tell he felt insecure about what his team mates thought of him. And still felt bad about the time he spent as a Con.

Knock Out had made friends with Wheeljack, Bulkhead, Ratchet, Bumblebee and Smokescreen. But he could tell Arcee and Ultra Magnus didn't like him and might never warm up to him. And Wheeljack and Ratchet could tell it had him upset.

But suddenly their thoughts were interrupted when the communications console suddenly came online and beeped it was a message that read.

"We know we've had our differences in the past but we wish to make amends to Cybertron and that our two species can live in peace." "So we invite any cybertronians who wish to come to Aquatron to relax and enjoy themselves."

Signed the Quintessionts. Then the message ended.

The three reported the message to Optimus Prime over the now active communications console. The Prime was currently on Earth with Bumblebee and his team.

He gave them a mission to send a team to Aquatron to try to learn what the Quintessionts were up too.

So Ultra Magnus, Arcee, Ratchet, Smokescreen and Knock Out would accept the invitation and go to Aquatron and poke around to see what was going on and if the Quintessionts had really changed.

While Bulkhead and Wheeljack would watch the base. The team going to Aquatron would take a ship the next morning.

That night Knock Out couldn't sleep so he called Starscream to chat for a bit.

The seeker had switched sides after waking up from his comma and Optimus had let him join Bumblebee's team knowing if he stayed on Cybertron their would be a high chance of him being attacked by bots seeking revenge or that he and Arcee would kill each other.

It had been a rocky start but Starscream was proving that he really had changed for the better and he had now made friends with Bumblebee and his team. And he and Knock Out had made up and the cherry mech would call and visit him now and then.

The seeker's face appeared on the screen after he answered Knock Out's call. And the two chatted about what all had been going on with both of them and their respective teams.

And Knock Out told Starscream about the mission he was going on.

"You be careful those Quintessionts are tricky." Starscream told him. "And good luck on your mission."

"Thanks I'm gonna need it since Arcee and Ultra Magnus are going on the mission too." Knock Out replied. Then told Starscream about what he heard them say and how they'd been treating him.

"I wouldn't worry about those two everyone else on the team likes you." Starscream said to his friend. "And I bet they were talking more about me then you."

"Well at least you don't have to see them every day." Knock Out told him.

"Why don't you come to Earth and help Bumblebee's team after you finish your mission?" The seeker suggested.

"I think I will." Knock Out agreed. "That way they only have to put up with me for this mission."

"Don't let those two get to you Knock Out." Starscream told him. "Your more deserving of a second chance then I am." "If Bumblebee's team can accept me then the other Autobots can accept you."

"I was far worse as a Decepticon then you were I did so much I wish I could take back you deserve a second chance more then I do Knock Out." Starscream tried to reassure his best friend.

"Oh Starscream you poor bot someone needs a hug." Said Grimlock who had heard the last part of the exchange and wrapped both his servos around Starscream thinking the seeker needed to be cheered up. "Don't worry you part of our team and your our friend now."

Starscream looked at the screen and mouthed. "Help me." But then Knock Out saw a smile cross the seeker's face.

Then they said goodbye and Knock Out heard Starscream say. "Grimlock your crushing me." And then he heard Grimlock reply. "Oh sorry buddy." Before hanging up and laughing.

Then he went to get some recharge knowing he'd need to be well rested for before starting for his mission the next day.

To Be Continued.

I know I shouldn't be starting another story right now but the plot bunnies just wouldn't leave me alone. Sorry this chapter was short and not much happened but this was just setting up the plot and the action will pick up once they get to Aquatron. I'll try to update this and my other stories soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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