The boy up stairs

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Hey friends,
Sorry this took a bit longer that usual. I'm trying to update but it's not as easy as I thought.
I decided to focus on Hobi being ill and there not being any littles.
I hope you enjoy 

The nurse had finished checking up on Hoseok. The whole time he did not let go of taehyung's shirt, nuzzling his head into him breathing in the smell of the washing powder.

At some point during the consultation Jin had entered the room, it had been agreed that he and tae would stay with Hoseok in the same room. Jin being a given as the mother of the group and taehyung as Hobi still refused to let go.

"What did the nurse say" Namjoon said quietly as he crept into the room, glancing over at Hobi who head settled into sleep after being given some strong pain killers.

"He has a high fever and there is something that he has eaten which is now irritating his stomach, that's why he keeps getting those cramps." Jin answered tucking some of his sweaty head behind his ear.

"Okay so I'm guessing going out and seeing the sites is not on the agenda" jungkook said, standing in the door running his hand through his hair in worry.

"For now no but I'm sure he will recover soon" Jin answered

"Okay everyone it's been a long day let's all get some sleep and look at the situation again in the morning.... do you guys need anyone else before I go?" Namjoon asks taking a last look at the sleeping Hoseok

"We've got it hyung don't worry" Tae said

"Okay see you later"  he said shutting the door quietly behind him

~time skip~

As the bright light shined on his face Hoseok opened his eyes, not quite registering his surroundings. Suddenly he felt the muscles in his abdomen tighten all at once. He groaned quietly shifting in the bed trying to curl up at much as possible. The pounding of his head growing ever stronger.

Sitting up slowly he looks around, trying to focus his eyes on the different object. Out of the corner of his eyes he sees something shift  he whips his head round to see what it is, the fast movement is too much for him to handle.

His vision blurs as he feels the all to familiar rumble of his stomach. Looking to his right he sees a sleeping Jin.
"Hyung!" He spits out through his teeth not wanting to open his mouth for the fear of what will follow.
"Hyung please!" he says again his throat beginning to burn, taking an intake of breath slowly. Tears begin to flow down his face going unnoticed.

The urge becomes to much and Hoseok gags and retches on the bed. Leaning forward a stream of yellow acid shoots out of his mouth landing on both him and the sheets in the bed.
Hearing the commotion Jin bolts upright on the bed and comes across a whimpering Hobi.

" sh*t, Hobi it's okay you couldn't help it.... here let me help you okay ... your alright" Jin cooed slowly approaching the boy so not to make him jump and make the situation any worse.

Putting his arms around hobi's waist he guides him to the bathroom, sitting him next to the toilet.
"Let's run you a bath yes??" Jin says turning the tap on. As he concentrates on the task at hand taehyung looks at his hyung on the floor before making eye contact with Jin.

"Do you need help hyung?" He asked.
"Oh yes can you sort out the bed for me and then ask yoongi to help me with the bath" Jin asked knowing that even though Hoseok was close to taehyung he would rather be bathed by someone older than him.
"Of course hyung" tae answers patting hobi on the back as he leans over the toilet bowl still letting the contents of his stomach out.

Less than 5 minutes later yoongi comes bursting into the bathroom.
" Tae said you needed me to help you with something" he says surveying the room.
"Yes could you help me bathing Hobi I don't know if I can do it on my own" Jin says while testing the water with his hand.
"Sure I'll help" yoongi answers.

Both of the boys work together to get hobi's sweat soaked clothes off leaving him in his boxers to leave him with some dignity and lift him into the bath. As he makes contact with the water he shies away from it.

"I know you don't like it but it will only be for a little bit. We need to get you clean and in new clothes." Yoongi says calmly and begins to lower him into the tub with the help of Jin.

The boys begin to wash Hobi down, Jin washes his aching body as yoongi shampoos and conditions his hair.

•time skip•

Jimin and jungkook are currently sitting either side of Hoseok. Jimin is drying his hair as jungkook tries and fails to get him to drink some water.
"No ... please" Hobi whispers as the water bottle held by jungkook appears in his line of vision.
"You need to drink hyung." Namjoon says gently with the leader ring to his voice.

Hobi shakes his head and leans into Jimin gentle touch. His eyes begin to droop. Just as he is about to drift into an uneasy sleep he hears Jin approach him.
"Hobi you can sleep after you take this fever medication the nurse left for you"

Reluctantly he sits up and takes the bottle of water that jungkook had be trying to force him to drink. Taking the pills from Jin he takes a sip of water and swallows them. Wincing at the feeling of them hitting his empty stomach.

Leaning back into Jimin he closes his eyes trying not to concentrate on the feeling of his stomach flipping with every slight movement. Slowly but surely his breathing begins to slow and eventually evens out to a slow rhythm.

The rest of the boys watch as their member gives in to the medication they had given him. Hopefully this would help lower down the fever that was stopping his body from fighting the stomach bug.
None of them like seeing him like this, their was holiday no longer a priority the only thing that they could think about was Hobi and if he would be alright.

A loud sigh came from the corner of the room. Everyone looks over to see a tired looking taehyung.
"He will be alright won't he" taehyung says to no one in particular, they all exchange glances, he had just voiced what they were all thinking.
"Of course he will there is not much that will stop out little ball of sunshine, it just may take a little longer than usual" Namjoon says to reassure everyone including himself.

"Now who's hungry.." Jin says trying to lighten the mood
"I guess"
"Sure "
We're the answers he gained, no one was quite themselves when another member got ill it just showed how tight of a bond they all have. Slowly they begin to filter out of the room and towards the main living part of the hotel suite they had. There thought never straying to far from the boy upstairs.

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