Riding horses smaller than us

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This will be about how you should NEVER ride horses that are clearly smaller than you!

Firstly, you shouldn't ride a horse who is clearly too small because you are too big and heavy for them and you and mainly them are going to get hurt as he or she is going to do anything to get you off and is eventually going to do it and you are going to damage their backs and more in the future. A horse is only able to carry 20 % of their weight  - INCLUDING the saddle and bridle. If you can see a horse is too small for you get off it now because you aren't going to win a fight against a creature who has hooves and can kick, buck, bite, trample you ( they will do this to get you of them, they aren't afraid ) and your just going to damage the horse in the  long run so DON'T BLOODY DO IT. 

Secondly, you are going to damage them ( mentally and physically ) as you will damage their back and they will make an image of everyone else based on what you have done ( they will create a bad image of EVERYONE). If you are too heavy for a horse you could damage the horse's spine and leave a dip in the spine - causing future issues. If you compare the difference between a horse's back on a heat map picture you will see the damage on a horse who has no damage to a back and has damage. The creature may create a bad profile in their head of everyone and might bite others or hurt them when riding or not because of YOU.T he horse may become unsociable to others. 

Finally, you aren't going to be cool or funny if you ride a 'small' horse you will just look like an idiot, who hurts animals, and people will hate you because you are hurting the poor horse. Anyone who thinks you are ' cool and funny ' they are sort of pathetic losers ( sorry to hurt your feelings but you kinda are ) because they enjoy the entertainment of ANIMAL ABUSE. 

That is just a couple reasons for this being the WORST idea EVER and I could think of a million more but I won't go on. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this and will not get on a horse too small for you. 


Ellie  . J 

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