Chapter 1: A Whole New Region

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Chapter 1:

A Whole New Region


A woman around her early thirties appeared on the small screen. A text box appeared below her.

Hello! Welcome to the wonderful world of Pokemon!

My name is Professor Sakura. I study Pokemon here!
What’s a Pokemon?

A Pokeball appeared in the woman’s hand. It vanished, and a small blue Pokemon with a scarflike mane appeared beside the woman. The foxlike Pokemon’s cry came out from the speakers.

This is a Pokemon! Here in the Pokemon world, we humans work, play, and live beside them.

Now, that’s enough about me! Tell me about yourself.

Are you a girl? Or a boy? Touch to choose.

I selected the female icon. Duh.

There was a click as the device took my picture, and made a small pixelated version of it.

I see! Now, what is your name?

I typed it in one letter at a time.

E. C. L. I. P. S. E.


Well, Eclipse, your very own Pokemon adventure is about to begin!

Be brave! You’ll meet friends, you’ll meet foes, and as a person you’ll grow!
Have fun!



A girl was reclining on a bed, holding a small device that looked like a cross between the very latest, most high tech smartphone, and a Pokeball.

She seemed to be about 15 years old. The girl was wearing a short parka in black, with a small grey scarf around her neck. Her shorts were white, and cut off at the knee. Her t-shirt was white, with a grey Pokeball logo. Her hat was black and white, with a similar logo.

The girl looked up, her brown hair obscuring her bright violet eyes. “What is it, Mom?” she asked.

“You seem to really like that Pokecell I just got you,” the girl’s mother said, smiling.

Eclipse groaned, closing her eyes. “Mom. You left the introduction for little kids on. I don’t need to be told what Pokemon are. We may have just moved here from Pallet Town, but it’s not like Pokemon don’t exist there or whatever.”

Eclipse’s mother frowned. “Well. Pokecells are still very useful.”

“I know they are, Mom. I’ve only been asking for one for, like three years…” Eclipse said, sarcastically.

Eclipse’s mother closed her eyes, putting a hand to her forehead and sucking in a breath. “...Eclipse, I need you to do me a favor. I’m giving you  some money, I need you to find the nearest Department Store, and go buy some Persim berries,” she sighed, before dropping a small pouch near her daughter. “There’s a Town Map App downloaded on your Pokecell already…” The woman walked away.

Eclipse sighed, standing up. She snatched up the pouch before using her thumb to page through the rest of the start-up tutorial. Then finally, the tutorial was over, and it was the main menu. She clicked the power button, and then walked out of her new room and into what looked like a fusion between a kitchen and a living room. By the door was a small wrapped gift with a piece of paper taped to it. Eclipse picked it up.

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