Be heard

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I had to do SO MUCH RESEARCH XDD so here you go! I did this in the last hour of school while I was supposed to be sitting through a lecture, which was about satellites. Wait, actually, right now a space expert is talking to us about Big Bang Theory (the show). 

  Matthew sighed. It was another world meeting, today in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, and nothing was getting done. He was across the globe from home, and really should be sleeping right now- it was noon here, so it was midnight in Ottawa.

  The Canadian yawned, burying his face into the fur of the sleeping pet polar bear in his lap. Kumajiro stirred, but did not wake.

  "...everyone SHUT UP!" There it is! Matthew thought sarcastically as Ludwig Beilshmidt, the representation of Germany, yelled and slammed his hands on the table. "We have important topics that need to be discussed!" The huge man shouted. "Our topic for this meeting is the movement of the magnetic poles. It is currently moving from the... er..."

  Matthew felt a knot in his stomach. Even if it had a major thing to do with his territory, no one remembered him. Sighing he stood up, gathering his presentation.


  Matthew was walking towards the meeting building for another world meeting. Why even go? He thought. No one notices me anyway.

  The Canadian blinked as he nearly collided with a small, white paper airplane. He halted, squatting down to catch it before it hit the ground. He stood back up, looking around. Had a kid thrown it in the wrong direction? No, there was no one whatsoever nearby. Is it to me? He thought. Shrugging, he opened the paper. 

  It was a paper printed off the internet, the link still visible at the top. It had a list of 'American national holidays' on it for the month of March. "Why would someone throw this to me?" Matthew wondered aloud, before noticing one of the dates circled in highlighter.

  It was below "March 6th - Ash Wednesday, Oreo Day, Dentist Day", and said that today, March 7th, was Hospitalist day, Cereal day, Crown Roast of Pork day... and...

  "National... Be Heard day?" 


  "It's moving from the Canadian Artic." The Canadian representative spoke up, interrupting the German who was struggling to remember. Many countries looked at him in suprise, not having noticed him. "It has taken a surge towards Siberia, but this wasn't the first time it sped up in recent years. In the mid 1990's, it's speed changed from 15km to 55km per year. In 2018, the north magnetic pole moved over the international date line and into the Eastern hemisphere. It is possible this is another geomagnetic reversal, one that is happening fast enough to be within a human lifetime just like the Brunhes–Matuyama reversal 780,000 years ago." Matthew swallowed at the end of his presentation, hyperaware of the eyes of every nation on him. 

  Arthur, the representation of England, began muttering below his breath, "How unlike you, America, to have such an educated presentation prepa-"

  "I'm not America." Matthew interupted coldly, causing Arthur's eyes to widen and his cheeks to flush as the Brit realized he had been overheard.

  "T-thank you, Cana... Canada!" Beilshmidt said, correcting himself. "Does anyone else have anything to say?"

  The meeting carried on, ideas actually being passed around. Arthur and Francis weren't fighting, mainly from shock about Matthew. Was it really that big of a deal? Alfred was loud like normal, but Matthew was able to squeeze in some comments, realizing that rather than sitting patiently and waiting to be called on, he should just begin speaking. By the end of the meeting, Matthew had been noticed enough that he had become a candidate to lead an international project to study the movement of the magnetic poles. For once in his life, people actually congratulated and said goodbye to him as he left the room, and he felt accomplished and proud.

  Matthew narrowly escaped alfred on his way out,waving back to Japan's representative before leaving the room. He wanted to get out before a certain personification did- but luck suuuuure was on his side.

  "Oi America!" Matthew flinched. He should have known that, of all people, Carlos would be last to notice him. He squeaked at he felt a hand grab onto the hood of his jacket, throwing him to the ground, causing him to get several cuts with a yelp. "So Canada finally gets noticed and you don't even have the decency to speak less so he can get in his own ideas!?! You dirty, fat, good-for-nothing pig!"

  "I'm not Ameri- ack!" Matthew coughed as he received a strong kick to his rib cage. That's it! I'm not taking this anymore!

  As the Cuban swung his foot towards the Canadian, Matthew rolled out of reach, before staggering to his feet. "That's enough Cuba! I'm tired of you beating me up and bullying me-" the breath was forced out of his body when the dark-haired man punched him in the gut.

  "Don't be stupid, you dumb American! You can't be Canada, he would be fighting back! You dumbass Americans only ever fight and use violence!" Carlos growled, picking up a heavy stick from the ground.

  Matthew stared up in horror, propped up on his elbows, as the angry Cuban stood above him and in front of the light, stick behind his ready and ready to strike. A single tear rolled down his cheek, and the blonde closed his eyes, preparing for impact.

  It never came.

  Matthew had no idea how long he lay, dirt stinging his wounds- it may have been minutes, or mere seconds. Finally he opened his eyes when he heard a voice.

  "You shouldn't be hurting Matvey, да?" The Canadian representation stared in suprise. The Russian representation, Ivan Braginsky, was standing next to Carlos, making even that huge figure seem small. The Russian had a firm grip on the cuban's wrist, preventing him from swinging the stick down.

  "Uhh- uhhhh..." The dark-haired man had a frightened look on his face, dropping the stick and attempting to get out of Braginsky's grip. The silver-blonde only smiled creepily, not letting go until his attention snapped back to Matthew, who let out a sniffle from the ground.

  The Cuban ran away quickly as the Russian kneeled down next to Matthew and helped the Canadian sit up. "Now, now, matvey, please do not cry." I'm crying? Matthew thought numbly as he raised his arm to wipe off the tears, only to wince at the bruises. 

  A hand came into view, and the young blonde felt the soft material of a srarf on the skin around the eye, clearing the tears away. "Wha..." he looked up at Ivan, who gave Matthew a warm smile. 

  "Do you think you can walk?" The Russian asked softly. Suprised, Matthew nodded quickly and tried to stand, almost to nearly collapse as searing pain ripped up his leg. Matthew gasped, falling into Ivan, who helped the Canadian stay up. "You must have hurt your ankle." Suddenly, Matthew felt himself get lifted off the ground, making him let out another yelp. "I will take you to my house. It is closer, and your cuts need to be treated," the silver-blonde decided. 

   Matthew merely nodded, blushing at the situation. With a moment of hesitation, he buried his face into Ivan's chest, causing the larger nation to blink in suprise before a smile and soft blush came onto his features. Soon the Canadian began to feel tired from the presentations and attacks of the day. With a yawn, Matthew cuddled deeper into Ivan, slipping into sleep.

  The Russian smiled down at Matthew, affection in his eyes. He reached down, kissing Matthew on the forehead. "I love you, my sunflower. I knew you could do it." Wrapping the end of his scarf around the canadian's neck to keep him warm, Ivan held Matthew closer. "Please remember, that I will always remember you, so please work hard and be heard."

APH Canada OS ✪ Be Heard - National Be Heard Day (RUSCAN)Where stories live. Discover now