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There sadly isn't a lyric video for Static Electricity here. But... the lyrics are out there.

*Show Genius*

*Show Genius*

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So.. Who knows, I might translate this if I have time.


AND if you want to know about them, 'Cocosori exposed' by Coco is a good place to start for her. And Sori... Her MV Touch... or really any of her vids *bikini thumbnails* The beat is this anime-like fast tempo synth pop.
Gets you just... *Girl turning meme* Then me doing it I turn.. *Sori is there being rude* Making me turn back* (Back turned to camera)


Just from the guitar in the instrumental and the that cartoonish effect on the di di di. And the slowly chipmunking of their voice as the track continues.


Admidst all the talk of Coco's displeasure with the Company. They make lively music that should catch more ears then they presently do.

<Picture of Coco Article>


(Update: Cocosori has disbanded, Mar/7/19)

<Creds: AsianJunkie.com>


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