This is something that has personally interested me for ages. I believe that there has to be some kind of life on places as well as earth..
I recently saw on Twitter that an ex-NASA consultant found some proof that a nuclear war wiped out alien civilisation! (Crazy, I know! But stay with me here!)
So the EX-NASA consultant is called Richard Hoagland. He loves conspiracy theories as well! He believes strongly that there was alien civilisation on Mars and also other planets. However it was wiped out by a nuclear war. He argued with people on coast to coast AM about him having lots of photographic evidence from NASA's Viking missions to prove this. He said that these photos went to the Cydonian region of Mars show fully formed structures, ancient habitats and also pyramids. He said that the thriving alien civilisation, which he said was like humans but on Mars, was ended by destruction from nuclear wars.
He took part in the 'Independent Mars Investigation' in 1983. He said that the Viking lander found evidence of 'anomalous isotopes' on Mars. This is when something is different than they expected it to be. These isotopes is more commonly known as Xenon 129 and he said it strongly points to nuclear detonations on Mars. He joined together with a plasma physicist called John Brandenburg and some explores and they explored the possibility of there previously being life on Mars. One of the main things that they said was that 'some of the craters in the Cydonia region around the face and the pyramids did not look like natural meteoric impact craters or asteroid impacts.' In my opinion this is proof that there was definitely some form of life on Mars and if this happened maybe there could be life on other planets too!..
Conspiracy theories
Misterio / SuspensoThis is some conspiracies of my own. However some of them are ones based on ones that I've already seen