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Captain Killy was busy cleaning the trophies from her many battles and had was sharpening the Bat'leth she had won after defeating a group of Klingons, when a steady beep echoed throughout her quarters.

'Incoming transmission from the Shenzhou, Captain'

Killy paused momentarily from sharpening the weapon, wondering who would dare to interrupt her, before responding and continuing her work.

'Is the channel secure?'

'Aye, Captain' The young ensign said curtly.

'Then stop wasting my time and patch it through before I shoot you with your own phaser' Killy said coldly, smiling to herself.

'Patching it through' The lieutenant replied, his voice laced with fear as he spoke almost too quickly.

No one would blame him for being fearful though since the crew knew that threat in particular was very real, which they had discovered when an ensign was late to his post one morning.

Killy carefully put the blade back into it's rightful place on the wall before walking over to her desk to answer the message.

Once Killy had settled in her chair she answered the transmission, the screen before her lighting up to reveal who the caller was.

'Captain Burnham, I hope this transmission is worth the delay you've caused my schedule. I was looking foward to attacking those rebels camps on Catara so this better be important.'

Burnham appeared unaffected and instead just brushed off the threatening tone.

'There's no need for the hostility Kil, this channel is secure. No need for the intimidation tactics here, so you can stop the threats...'

Killy visibly relaxed at the revelation, as she no longer had to put the intimidating front on.

At least not for the time being anyway.

'... Besides you'll get your opportunity for destruction soon but for now I've found something I think you'll be rather interested in.'

This piqued Killy's interest, especially as Burnham usually just cut to the chase when delivering a message.

'Can you get on with it then? I'm not exactly known for my patience.' Killy said, sounding annoyed.

Burnham mearly scoffed at Killys impatient demeanour before smiling mischievously, 'Well I already knew that. I mean you did practically jump my bones last time we met.'

The memory caused Killy to laugh softly and look away momentarily, the reaction wouldn't have meant much to the untrained eye but Burnham knew that it meant that Killy felt a little embarrassed.

'We had just crushed that pathetic rebellion on Hathos, so can you blame me for wanting to celebrate our victory?' Killy replied, trying to justify her actions.

Burnham only chuckled at the response but remembering the reason why she had hailed in the first place.

'Perhaps not. Now as much as I love reminising over our celebrations, we should probably talk business.'

'Go ahead'

'Okay, we came across a shuttlecraft yesterday that had a warp signature that was...odd'

Killy appeared confused, 'What do you mean, odd?'

'I mean the signature differed slightly and appeared unusual. I wouldn't have thought anything of it but the signature's wavelengths matched those that came from that universe the Emperor dealt with.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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