persona non grata

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Goro Akechi checked his phone for the umpteen time, checking when his appointment with the news station would take place and all he'd talk about was the branded justice of The Phantom Thieves, but today he felt distracted? The train ride was crowded as always and it always annoyed him somewhat but today, he was fine with it. Why?

Something had come up in some of the cases he was working on, but why should he have bothered with small things? He always solved those cases so easily because the answers were always there but wasn't The Phantom Thieves important to the plans that were made? The plans were unraveling so fast and he didn't want to stop it. He wanted to be caught up in something else.

But it was different today and it distracted him greatly, that he was so disoriented in the underground of Shibuya station yet, luckily, the passersby didn't pay any mind to his tipsy walking. Why was he slipping?

Not today. He had to be perfect. That was his image to the world and he had to keep it up for the sake of the plan that was to come to fruition, but he was worried about one thing today-the latest case he was on.

It was simple enough to figure it out but he couldn't stop the mind-numbing thoughts that swirled around and all because he had glimpsed at something that caught his attention, and that didn't happen nearly enough. Never, in fact.

No call backs.

Stalling to dial the number again for the fear he'd bother someone, but he was Goro Akechi, the ace detective that was determined to change the world and to think he'd be afraid was beyond him, but he did. The Phantom Thieves had to be stopped and yet, he couldn't concentrate.

It wasn't like him at all, but it was all her fault, so why did she pose a threat to him now? Why was he thinking of a simple girl or any girl for that matter? His future was sealed already, so why include something like love or fascination? Frivolous, in his mind but while he knew it, he couldn't stop pursuing the feelings of hearing her voice again, and that is why he waited between days to hear anything. Anything at all.

Again, no call back.

Impatience caught him and he found himself wandering, almost eating up the time before his TV appearance and yet, he wasn't in any hurry and didn't feel like going somehow, but wasn't it important? Was his persona of the ace detective in line of his true self? Why was he doubting this now?

He frowned deeply at the prospects of losing himself in stupid human relationships that he had no time or energy for, but he was pursuing this one. He was insistent on this one case and the girl that caught his eye.


Then without making up his mind, he continued to his appointment and hoped that he'd forget about her at this rate. Sure, talking about The Phantom Thieves could do that, right? Yeah, he had to convince himself of that fact but how much did he believe in it? He didn't know. He really didn't.

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