Pain is all that I felt when Barry looked at the sky, and shook his head. I can't believe that the love if my life is gone. How could Barry let him die? Did they really hate eachother that much? How could Barry be smirking right now? I should just slap him. As I reached up to, my body became like ice. You have crossed the line too many times Allen! I screamed at the top of my lungs. But, as my hand left his face, it turned a strange shade of blue. Why is Frost doing this? "Caitilin what did you do!?" Something that should have been done along time ago, Cisco. "Oh man, we have to get him back to the lab!" Quit whining Cisco. "We need help!" Ugh, not from me. "Why?" Really Ramon, YOU DON'T KNOW?! "Oh." Exactly. Suddenly, the cold went away, and was replaced with a strange warmth. Strangely, I was still outside. Wait, what was that? As I came closer, I realized that it was a person. But, not just any person. The person that I love. But, I quickly realized that he wasn't moving. No, this can't be happening I screamed, with tears running down my face.
Fire and Ice
Mystery / ThrillerRonnie Raymond and Caitilin Snow need eachother now more than ever.