Recaptured Memories

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"Making happy memories with you is the best,but doing it without you is useless."

It's been two years since you left me, Jacob. I still remember the date and time when we got accident. I can still remember that you were happy with what happened when you had talk in your place. You said that you are so happy because you can feel the presence of God. And we do not realize that it's the time that we will be together. Before you lose your consciousness, you says something that actually crushes and break my heart into pieces.

"When I die, look for another. Look to the person that will not let you down and love you the most more than I can do. I'll pray for that until my last breath."

I was holding your hand and crying softly.

"Thank you. For coming into my life,maybe it's the time that God need you in his kingdom. You can now rest with our God who created us."

You're the definition of the word perfect. You're responsible,talented,smart,and you are a God centered person. And that's the thing why I'm falling in love with you. You're one of the best and the most precious gift that I received from above, because you never leave me through ups and down. And every time I pray, I kept asking God.

"Why did he take you too fast?"

Until now, it's very painful. But for some reason I know that God never promised a life without a pain, because he will never let you experience pain without a purpose. I do not know how to start again, I do not know If I can. But I remember what you said to me.

"Trust God, you'll never be disappointed."

Maybe you're not the man that I'm going to live with forever. Maybe you're just a God instrument made for me to find the real person at the right time. Maybe it's a sign that I'm going to start again and get used to it without you. Maybe it's time for me to trust God's words. Maybe it's time to open my heart again. Henceforth.

Goodbye, Jacob. I will treasure our memories. Forever and ever.


Jacob Abraham Rocafort
(One who has been strong against God)
Born: September 10, 1990
Died: March 24, 2016
Age: 26


Nathan: Hey, are you okay?
(Wipping her tears)
Desteen: Yes. Just a minute.
Nathan: It's okay. Take your time. I'm just here at your side.
Desteen: Thank you Nathan.

(Jacob, see the man that approach me earlier?I've finally seen the guy you're looking for and praying for me to be my lifetime partner. Were going to get married the day you were born. You're so special to me that I can't never forget you. You're included in all my plans. Even if I gave birth to a child. I will name them 'Jacob' and 'Abraham'. He's so responsible,smart, and God centered person like you. And I'm so thankful that I met this kind of man. God is good all the time. He'll never leave me suffering alone. He gave me the right person. Be good there. I will always visit you.)

Desteen: Let's go Nathan.
Nathan: Always remember that people may come and go, but memories lasts forever. Each heart has some pain, only the expression is different. Some hide it in their eyes while some hide it in their smiles. I know that I can't replace him but I will do my best to fulfill your empty happiness. Just always pray and turns everything in a positive.
Desteen: Thank you for you unconditional love Nathan.
Nathan: God will not save us from getting hurt, especially if that pain is part of his purpose for making us strong and better. Even the best, fall down sometimes. And it's okay, because through that problem we became mature and ready to face the challenges and struggles in life. But remember that I'm always here for you no matter what.
(Kiss on forehead)

(God thank you for giving me this kind of man.)

September 10, 2018- 10:00 AM
This day is special to me, because I finally opened my heart to someone at the right time. Each of everyone witnessed how you and me saying our vows and promised to our God to take care of each other.

🎶Not sure if you know this
But when we first met
I got so nervous I couldn't speak
In that very moment
I found the one and
My life had found its missing piece

So as long as I live I love you
Will have and hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now till my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white

What we have is timeless
My love is endless
And with this ring I say to the world
You're my every reason you're all that I believe in
With all my heart I mean every word

So as long as I live I love you
Will have and hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now till my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white🎶

As I walked come closer to you, I felt great happiness. My emotions mixed up. When I look into you eyes, I know I've found the mirror of my own soul. You came along and my life became beautiful.

Nathan: You're so gorgeous.
Desteen: Thank you my love.

(I pronounced you as wife and husband. You may now kiss the bride)

Nathan: I love you so much.
Desteen: I love you more.

There are things that sometimes you imagine for us but it's not. Sometimes they come to our lives to help us find the truth.

I surely know that you are proud of me Jacob because I finally realized that I should not have stabbed myself in the past.

Me and Nathan will help each through ups and down. We're starting to build our plans in life. We're going to start to
have a family.

I'm so thankful that you have been part of
my life for a very short time,Jacob. You teach me some lessons that now I can attach to my new life.

God has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand his wisdom, but we simply have to trust his will.

Thank you and goodbye Jacob.

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