Have you ever been at that point in your life when you've felt useless? You've felt that you can not change yourself, evolve or start over? It's a point in a time, a point when time itself seems to be stopped, broken, just like you..Do you ever get that feeling that you are not enough for some persons? That you are never in the centre of attention because you are not a person that "shines". You don't have any hidden talents, you can't sing or dance for your life, you're just....common, maybe even below average and that s what sucks the most. And you trust people, because you're human...and you make friends, because you're human.....And this combination of friends and trust creates expectations.... Because if you are a good friend and you always suuport others, you know what to tell them and help them however you can you just expect them to do the same for you and to not let you down.
But...is it right thinking this way? Aren't you just being the biggest hypocrite in the world by doing something good, putting others over you personal needs and just expect them to do the same? Being jealous of your friends because they have someting that you don't, that doesn't make you a good friend, does it? But sometimes you can't help it, it's in our nature as humans to be selfish, to think about ourselves first and maybe after realising how our situation and decisions affects the world around us. If you are like me, you always put others above you, you give up on things for people around you, and you always end up getting hurt.
Sometimes being selfish is the greatest defense mechanism a person can have.
RandomIf you've been that one person that it's the third wheel between best friends, and if you think that whatever you do is just not enough you sound just like the person writing this book. Never been the centre of attention? Never received compliments...