Chapter 1

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Authors Note


Hi readers,

I hope you enjoy this short story, and I am sorry if it is to short!!!!!!

Happy Reading!

My eyes tear up, the sand and grit clouding my vision. My tongue is dry, my throat parched and I haven’t seen civilisation for days. My water skin has only a few drops left, not enough to keep me alive. You may be wondering what I’m doing in the middle of the desert, but I can assure you it’s for a good reason. A plane has crashed here a few days ago, and it’s my responsibility to find it. You may be thinking, “What on Earth is so important about a little plane crash?” but this plane happened to have some very important people on it. Barack Obama, Queen Elizabeth and Tony Abbott all were on this aircraft, each knowing a single piece of information that no one else knows, but some people would kill for it. These people are called the ‘Informants’ and they are the people I’m looking for. My mission: destroy everyone and everything that gets in my way.

The sun is beginning to set over the dunes, the temperature dropping every second. I decide to camp for the night, but I need to locate water before I can close my eyes. I am dangerously close to death, and my tongue is beginning to split. I struggle to my feet and wipe my eyes before I move on. The desert seems endless, a sea of ceaseless sand and dunes. Apart from a few desert shrubs, the only colour I can see is red. The colour of love, passion, roses and blood. If I die out here, my blood would blend with the sand, my body lost among the dunes. I shake the image from my mind, forcing myself to think about the task at hand.  My footsteps are getting heavier, creating a more definite mark in the sand. A shape is forming on the horizon, but my mind is too fuzzy to determine exactly what it is, or could be.

I glance to my right, and I see water. I continue to walk forwards, my feet now dragging in the crimson sand. I take a few steps before my mind finally deciphers what I just saw, and I turn and hobble as fast as I could toward the crystal clear water. I reach the waters edge, my mouth hanging open as I stare at the water. My mind is too dehydrated to even consider that it could be a trick of the eyes, so I kneel and shove my head into the water. The reaction is instant, my eyes and mouth once again wet, my thirst now quenched. I take dozens of gulps, each mouthful blissful. I hesitantly remove my head from the cool liquid, still hungry for more. I wipe my eyes and rinse my arms, scrubbing hard to rid them of grit. I dip my fingers in the water, eager for more of the life saving resource. I run my wet hands through my hair, pulling out sticks and bugs. I get to my feet and wipe my hands on my khaki shorts. I retrace my footsteps and try to find my water skin. I walk with confidence now, a skip in my step and life in my eyes. I find my water skin, half buried by the red-hot sand, and hurry back in the direction of the water. I jog, then run, then sprint, worried that I won’t get there before the sun sets. My earlier- made footsteps come to a stop, and I look around. There’s nothing. My mind buzzes. No, it couldn’t be! I collapse on the ground, and close my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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