why me? why must i always feel so terrible?
why can't my mental state ever be stable?
why can't i ever feel like i'm okay?
i'm an anxious mess.
i'm full of myself. or so people say. i think i'm better than everyone, simply because i'm confident in my skills. simply because i speak. simply because i am me.
if i truly thought i was better than everyone, i wouldn't sit here, crying until i was dry-heaving.
i wouldn't be so hurt over everyone's cruel words.
and i definitely wouldn't be struggling with my image.i hate the way i look.
i feel like i weigh way too much.
my hair looks gross
my face isn't beautiful
my voice is way too deep for my gender.
everything about me is wrong.why can't i love myself?
why can't others love me?
why am i so flawed?why me?