Lady or the Tiger 2: Chapter 1

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Love In Its Own Crazy Way

He opened the door on the right, and watched as the beautiful woman came forth. He turns around to hear the golden horns playing magnificent music and seeing the princess, mourning over her decision. The priest comes in and pronounces them man and wife. The cheers went throughout the arena, seeing the new married couple, going down the flower path out of the arena.

The princess, named Alice, runs off with tears down her soft cheeks before her lover must kiss the bride. She stumbles her way back to the castle, cursing the world, with her tears clouding her vision. The king chases after her, trying to catch up. He is finally is at arms length with her and grabs her, seeing her tears. The king, for once, feels sympathetic for throwing someone into the arena for his own entertainment. The king and the princess walk back to the castle, the king holding her closely. As soon as they get through the doors of their kingdom, the princess runs off to her room. The king decides to leave her alone for awhile. Her soft cries soon turn into anger at herself, and at the lady her former lover, Jeremiah, has wed.

She begins to scream and throw her pillows across the room. She then breaks the mirror in her room, throwing shards of glass and cuts herself, infuriating her. She leaves her room to go to the bathroom and heal her wounds. She tries to run past her father, but her plan fails. As the king sees the cuts all over his daughter’s body, seeing what he has done to cause his daughter’s blood slowly dripping down on the floor. He decides to choose a man to wed for her. Alice agrees, for now she has a plan to get Jeremiah back. All Alice needs is time, and her father will take much time, trying to find her a new love. She has sent servants to be spies on the woman who has married her precious Jeremiah. In days time, Alice soon learns the name of the lady is Rosie and she lives near the kingdom. That is all the information she needs to carry out her plan. With her father coming to end of his search to finding Alice’s next love, she must move along with her plan as quickly as possible.

A few nights later, Alice begins her plan. A few hours before dawn, she sneaks out of the kingdom wearing a pitch black dress and bringing a black handbag, to blend in with the night sky. She takes one of the kingdom’s horses and rides into the silent night. As time passes, she becomes closer and closer to Rosie’s home. As soon as Rosie’s home is in sight, she stops her horse. Alice begins to slowly walk to her house, looking around for witnesses. She soon arrives at Rosie’s home. Alice goes through the bedroom window, to find Rosie laying in the same bed as Jeremiah. The anger and pain from losing her beloved Jeremiah, shoots through her body. Alice looks over Rosie’s body, taking the 6 inch knife out of her handbag, plunging the blade through Rosie’s chest.

Jeremiah awakens from the screams of his new wife. He turns his head, seeing Alice breathing heavily with Rosie’s blood all over his former lover’s face. He pushes Alice off of Rosie, trying to bring his new lover back to life with tears rolling down his face. Alice, surprised, asks Jeremiah,

“Aren’t you happy, my love? Now, we can be together for all of eternity.” Jeremiah looks at her with tears in his eyes, screams at her.

“No! You have killed the one I loved so dearly. You are just as barbaric as your father!”

Alice, startled by Jeremiah’s response, runs back to her horse and rides back to the kingdom. She quietly goes back to her room, just to cry once more. She finally realizes, the one she has loved, is now gone. Dawn is finally upon her and her father’s kingdom. At that point on, Alice decides she will marry whoever her father has chosen. She prepares for breakfast, puts her hair up with a blue ribbon and walks down the stairs to see what the servants had made her. As Alice is about to take the last step of the long flight of stairs, she sees the guards walking through the doors, with a young man. She really couldn’t tell his features until the guards had stepped away. They announced the young man’s name. His name was Ben Agnes. He was the most magnificent man Alice has ever seen. His hair, a perfect shade of brown, matching his sparkling eyes, and so so tall. Her father soon is behind Alice and says,

“Alice, this will be your new love and husband.”

Ben looked deep into Alice’s eyes, completely mesmerizing her. Ben slowly walks up to Alice, takes her hand and kisses it lightly. Ben then says,

“You look lovely this morning, Alice.” Alice blushes and hugs her new love. He was actually handsome, beautiful features, kind eyes. And a masculine stature, he’s perfect. She now will have a brand new life, forgetting Jeremiah and her past sin, with her soon to be husband,  tomorrow no later, she had to have Jeremiah behind her. They were married the next morning. The wedding had all the kingdom’s subjects as guests, even Jeremiah. The wedding was the most beautiful and the most extravagant in all of the land. What was the most important though, Alice was finally happy. As she walked down the aisle with her new husband, she saw Jeremiah with the same face she had as he married Rosie. Yet, Alice felt no remorse. She was finally happy and wanted nothing to change that.

Although her new life seemed wonderful, it did not last long. The rumor of Alice killing Jeremiah’s new wife was out. The rumor began to spread throughout the kingdom and soon to Alice’s father. He was infuriated with the rumors about his precious daughter. He began to throw the people who spoke of the rumor in the arena if they had not told him who started the horrendous lie about his lovely daughter. Alice was unaware of the rumor because of her new husband, Ben. They had been planning their future and having a child. Soon though, she had begin to hear the rumors and denied everything that was against her. Ben defended her as well, helping her father search for who had started the rumor. Alice knew exactly who started the rumor, Jeremiah.

Almost a week had past and the rumor was the talk of the kingdom. Alice was disgusted with all of the drama and told her father that Jeremiah had started the rumor. In a matter of hours, Jeremiah was back in the arena, just like 2 months before. The only difference was that both doors had hungry tigers behind. Standing there in shackles made Alice and Ben smile. They were waiting for this day. The man that caused Alice so much pain, will go through the same pain she did. Everyone in the arena knew he was going to die, Jeremiah knew too. He was not going to die without a fight. He began screaming for everyone in the arena to listen. He yelled “That evil woman,” points to Alice, “The princess killed my new wife in the dead of night! I speak the truth!” Everyone in the arena began to laugh. They all thought he was just a pity man trying to run from death until he pulled out the six inch knife that was put through Rosie’s chest.

Alice was stunned. She thought she had the knife with her but she now remembered she left the blade deep into Rosie. All people now knew it was her who killed the young bride, for the knife had Alice’s name engraved in the blade. Although evidence was pointing to Alice, the king was furious. He yelled loud, “My good people, this man in the arena awaiting his painful death is lying! He had forged that blade! I believe he murdered his new bride is trying to place this sin on my innocent daughter.” Everyone in the arena did not listen. All were silent. The king’s yell echoed but no one cared. Jeremiah then said something, “According to the laws of this kingdom, any person who commits a crime, they shall be placed in the arena, given the chance of being killed by a tiger or given a spouse. Alice should be placed in the arena for killing my wife!” At that moment, Ben had run out with Alice, leaving the arena.

They had run so far from the kingdom into the nearby forest. Ben then stopped running and looked into Alice’s eyes and grabbed her hands, putting them against his face. “Did you kill his wife?” he whispered to her with much sorrow in his eyes. Alice couldn’t answer his question but she knew she could not lie to her loving husband. She had tears rolling down her eyes, Ben knew the answer. He held her hands tighter but looked down. He then whispered “What will we do then?” For once, Alice did not know how to solve this problem. She had felt lost and brought her husband down with her. They had stayed in the forest, set up shelter and went to sleep early that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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