Bakery's near me

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Someone: *tries to hurt Zayn*

Harry: Sir I believe in treating people with kindness like that's literally my logo but I won't hesitate to bitch slap you and punch you in the throat which would lead to you being hospitalized or worse dead if you ever fucking try that again. He's my whole whole bloody world and I will literally fucking cut you if he gets hurt okay? Thank you I appreciate you listening to me now run you bi- Sir. I meant Sir. All the love.

Zayn: Hey what took you so long babe? You said you were gonna be back like an hour ago.

Harry: oh um I- uh cupcakes. CUPCAKES! I found a cute bakery on the way and like I went in and the cupcakes there looked so fresh and cute so I got some for you and me.

Zayn: OH! Love that. But wait. Where's the box? I don't see any bag-

Harry: oh about that- I
You know how clumsy I am so while walking I tripped over nothing and dropped them so sorry but I'll get them again in the evening for you? Sounds good?

Zayn: Not surpriiiiiised you klutz WHAT A WASTE OF SOME GOOD FOOD you really made me salivate and I'm hungry noww

Harry: oh you're hungry? you can always have this di-

Zayn: don't say IT.

Harry: Totally kidding but also totally not kidding ;)
I'll make you some strawberry pancakes now and I promise I'll bring those cupcakes in the evening baby.

Zayn: That'd be great thank youuuu. And I'll go with you to the bakery. It sounds so cute I wanna seeeee

Harry: um oh
Okay sure
*takes out his phone and discreetly googles: bakery's near me*

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