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Dear Nate,

Just today, I went surfing on the internet to find the apt definition of a perfect date. I was awaited by a thousand different definitions of what is a perfect date.

"What a waste of time," I thought to myself. Whenever I think of the perfect date, our first date comes to my mind. No not the one with the candle light dinner but the one where we both knew that we were in love with each other.

It was all so awkward but we were far from uncomfortable. Do you remember that night in your room when we were watching a Friends marathon? The lights were off and we were sitting side by side. We were sipping Pepsi from the same plastic cup that I had once decorated at some craft class. You always mocked me about that. Yes, I still remember it.

You were telling me about something Ross had said to his parents about Chandler getting high when it was actually him himself. And I was nowhere near listening to what you were saying .

My focus was on your lips, on how your mouth moved to form words. When your eyes dropped to my lips I didn't hesitate even for a moment and kissed you. Straight on the lips. And boy, you did kiss me back. That kiss was my best first, second and last kiss. It was not something that I can ever forget.

But I know what you are thinking. What the hell I am actually talking about? You must be wondering about when we kissed, when we had a candle light dinner..We didn't. We didn't and this is something I will always regret. I should have kissed you, but no I did not. I should have done something, at least something.

Just remember I will always love you.


P.S. I know you will never read this letter since you are ill. I know I had lost my chance when you went into coma but please come back to me. I am currently reading out this letter to you, love.

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