Untitled and Unfinished...

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My heart beat started again. It slowly came back upto normal. I took a deep breathe and savoured the everlasting feeling of being oxygenated. I clenched my fist tightly and lifted my eyelids to find myself lying down on a concrete roadstopper. I looked slightly to my right, my eyes were ever so daized. There was a large figure sleeping on it’s side and snoring heavily. “Hello?” I said. I heard no reply. The room was cold and engulfed by darkness. I tried to arise from the uncomfortable bed but I collapsed. My arms were weak and limp, I tried moving my stiff legs but I couldn’t. “Help!” I screamed. This time the snoring stopped. The figure quickly rolled over and lifted itself off the ground. It was

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2012 ⏰

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