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(Y/n) p.o.v.

These past few weeks have been hectic for RWBY and for W.A.C. Ozpin has been trying to get Yang to quit our band and she keeps on saying no.
Right now I'm with both bands along with neo. We decided to take a small break and go see a movie and go eat out.

Yang:Ya know (y/n) I'm surprised you managed to get two girls at your side.
(Y/n): What can I say? It runs in the (l/n) genes. Says with a smug look on his face
Ruby:Our friend Jaune could use some of those genes

They all have a small laugh before going to the theater to watch Captain Marvel. They were soon met with some fans demanding pictures and autographs. It was obvious we wanted to relax and get away from this type of deal. I guess this is a disadvantage of this fame shit.

After a good 20 minuets taken away from them they finally find there seats and enjoy the show. One side was Neo and the other was Blake. Boy is it good to be me.

The movie finishes and they walk to a nearby noodle shop.

Weiss:Don't worry I'll pay, here you go sir.

The card beeps indicating it's been declined and (y/n) Snickers and pays for their meal. (Y/n) sees everyone enjoying everything and smiles. It soon disappears as he gets a message from Ozpin.

Ozpin:Meet with me tomorrow at noon and we can discuss this matter civilly.

Neo and Blake notice the anger in his eyes.

Blake: (N/N) are you ok?
(Y/n): Your boss, won't leave us alone. He wants Yang out of our band. He says in annoyed time as he angrily slurps the rest of his noodles. He then orders a beer and chugs it.
Yang then smiles and pats his back
Yang: Aw come on (y/n) YANG in there
(Y/n):groans in pain Your jokes cause physical pain!

The night comes to an end and everyone went their separate ways. (Y/n) calls Salem and asks her if can come over and she agreed. She owns a pretty big house, not big enough to be a mansion but big none the less, that luckily wasn't far so he walks for about 25 minuets and knocks on her door.

She opens up and (y/n) sees she's in a revealing night gown.

(Y/n): S-Salem, what the hell?!
Salem: What?
(Y/n): Nothing, His voice gets serious We need to talk about your ex-husband

(Y/n) then walks in and Salem gasps in shock.

Salem:How did you know?
(Y/n):Ruby has a big mouth.
Salem:So, what is he doing now?
(Y/n):He wants Yang to only be apart of RWBY and is pressuring us for her to leave us.
Salem: Yup, sounds like Ozzy, what do you want me to do about it?
(Y/n): Tomorrow he wants to meet with me, I want you to come along. Maybe you can talk some sense into him.
Salem: Sure, we can try, he messes with you he messes with me!

He smiles and hugs her, they share a beer or two and (y/n) sleeps in a guest room.

The next day Salem and (y/n) get ready for the day and dress formally. Well, (y/n) was forced because doesn't like dressing up too often but, oh well.

After a trip to the Beacon records the two were met with Ozpin and two other men. One had blonde hair, wore shorts and well, looked kinda like Yang. The other was a taller muscular man who I've seen before. Ironwood of Atlas records and one of the most hated in the music community.

Ozpin: Hello, let me introduce my colleges to you (y/n)
(Y/n) wasn't really paying attention but heard that the blonde was Yang's father.
(Y/n): with slight annoyance Lets get this over with shall we?
Ozpin: Of course, I brought the two because they wish to speak.
Tai:Yeah, you can't just force my daughter into your band!
(Y/n):Snickers You think I'm forcing her? Oh I'm sorry Salem, I thought this was gonna be longer.
Tai: What's your deal Ozp-
(Y/n): Just looks at him in pure annoyance Did you even talk to Yang about this?
Ironwood: That's enough, we have reason to believe that you did force her.
(Y/n): Says the corrupt asshole

Ironwood then tries to lunge at him but, before he could get close Salem grabs his fist and just punched him straight in the jaw. She looks at Ozpin and spits in the ground.

They both new they would have to talk to RWBY and tell them about Ozpin. (Y/N) decided he will do it right away.
He calls Blake and just tells her and her band to meet him at his house as fast as they could.

(Y/n) waits patiently, he hears the doorbell and he is met with a worried RWBY. He makes them some drinks and starts to tell them what happened.

Yang: I can't believe our dad would do that!
Ruby: I know, and that Ironwood guy, who is he?
(Y/n): He's the owner of Atlas Records, the most hated and corrupt music company.

Weiss just glares at him but chooses to shut up.

Ruby:I think we have to make an important decision guys.
Blake: Yeah
Weiss: Keep dealing with Ozpin
Yang: Or leave Beacon

(Y/n): What'll it be girls?

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